
These 6 Common Mistakes Are Ruining Your Car!

Being a car owner is not always easy

Here are six of the most common mistakes by which car owners destroy their steel horses.

Like any other thing, our car also requires quality care, otherwise it can quickly happen that our dream steel horse turns into a nightmare! Many people (consciously or less consciously) make mistake after mistake in their relationship with the car, because they don't give it what it needs, and all this - just like karma - comes back like a boomerang. Then the wallet becomes very hungry, because every mistake ends up paying twice!

Let's take a look at the most common mistakes car owners make!

Improper oil and filter change

Engine oil is like blood to the human body. Exceeding the factory-specified replacement interval is crucial for proper operation and is by no means recommended. Many people believe that it is only important that there is enough oil, without taking into account that its properties deteriorate over time.

Changing the filter is equally important, as it prevents impurities from penetrating into the vital parts of our car.

Neglecting the condition of the tires

Chronic lack of money is the reason that many people do not take care of their tires (condition + age) and thus focus only on tread depth. It is important to remember that the entire car is in contact with the ground on an area smaller than four postcards! Driving safety thus largely depends on the condition of the tires, i.e. age, tread depth and correct pressure.

Driving safety largely depends on the condition of the tires.

Ignoring the “Check engine” indicator

The “Check engine” indicator is not the kind of fault that comes on today and will magically disappear tomorrow and never come back. Every time it activates, it needs special attention, because ignoring this indicator can lead to an expensive repair.

Skipping the service interval

The manufacturer prescribed the distribution of services and scope of work for a reason, so improvisations are not recommended. The engineers who have been involved in the development of each car model are well aware of the planned durability of each assembly, so if you want to avoid unpleasant surprises, stick to what they have prescribed.

Poor car hygiene

We were already taught at school that cleanliness is half the battle. The same goes for a car. Maintaining cleanliness will pay you back many times over. It is easier to notice irregularities and it is extremely important to remove all particles in time that could subsequently cause damage. This is especially true for a thorough wash in winter, when the road is full of salt, which, at higher temperatures, starts to wear down the paint and thus allows corrosion to progress.

Clean your car regularly.

Careless driving

Regardless of the road conditions, the car should always be treated with care and respect. All sudden movements, grinding with a cold engine, unnecessary sudden braking, careless driving on potholes and curves, ... With such an approach, a careless driver will multiply and unnecessarily increase the consumption of all vital components and permanently damage the car.

The differences can be so great that a car with 100,000 kilometers is in significantly worse condition than the same model that has done 300,000 kilometers in good and conscientious hands.

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