
Don't tell anyone these 6 things: keep them to yourself as a big secret

The world is built on truth and always requires balance.

Wise people are of the opinion that some things should be kept to themselves and kept as the greatest secret! And you, stick to it?

First thing, they are yours long term plans. Don't talk about them until they happen. All our ideas are not only imperfect, but have many weaknesses and can be quickly destroyed by someone.

Secondly, don't talk about charity, because it is rare in this world. Keep it to yourself. Don't brag about your good deeds in front of others. Unhealthy pride will take over you and take away all the tenderness that charity gave you.

The third thing that should not be talked about is asceticism. Do not explain to others about your nutritional problems, sexual relations, etc. Physical asceticism is beneficial only when combined with an emotional component.

The fourth thing is yours courage and heroism. Someone gets external and someone internal challenges in life. External ones are visible, so people get rewards for them, but unfortunately, overcoming internal challenges is not noticed.

The fifth thing that does not need to be discussed in front of others is discussing your family problems. About private life in general. Remember that the less you talk about problems in your family, the stronger and more stable your bond will be. Quarrels are the release of negative energy that has accumulated in the process of communication.

And the sixth thing they are bad words and gossip, which you hear during the day. You can get your shoes dirty on the street, as well as your consciousness and subconscious. And the man who comes home and recounts all the nonsense he heard during the day is no different from the man who entered the house and did not take off his shoes.

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