
These are 14 foods that will make your hair grow faster

Do you want long, shiny hair?

Photo: Envato

Long, healthy and strong hair is the desire of many women. On average, our hair grows about 15 centimeters per year, and how fast it grows depends on various factors such as age, genetics, general health and diet. Unfortunately, you cannot influence age and genetics, but you do have control over what kind of food you put into your body. Here are 14 foods that will speed up the growth of your hair and make it soft and shiny.

1. Eggs

Eggs they are a great resource proteins and biotin, ingredients known to promote hair growth. Proteins are important because they are what hair follicles are made of, and their deficiency is said to increase hair loss. Biotin, however, is essential for production keratin, which will strengthen your hair and make it softer and shinier. Eggs are also an excellent source zinc, selenium and other nutrients that will have a positive effect on your hair. That's why eggs are considered one of the best foods you can choose if you dream of long, healthy hair.

2. Strawberries

Delicious, sweet strawberries they are full vitamins, which experts associate with faster hair growth. He is among them vitamin C, which will ensure that your hair follicles are protected from damage. Vitamin C is also important for production collagen, which will strengthen your hair. It also helps the body to absorb from the diet iron, which will help you avoid anemia, which, among other problems, also causes hair loss.

3. Spinach

Spinach it is considered one of the healthiest green vegetables, as it is full of useful nutrients that will, among other things, accelerate the growth of your hair. These are folates, iron and vitamins A and C. Vitamin A in particular is very important, as it helps the skin glands in production sebum - fatty substances that will moisturize your hair and thus keep it healthy and shiny.

4. Sweet potatoes

Excellent resource vitamin A is also sweet potato. It contains beta-carotene, from which our body produces this vitamin. Just one medium-sized sweet potato contains enough beta-carotene to meet four times our body's daily need for vitamin A.

5. Avocado

Avocado it is delicious, nutritious and a great source healthy fats. In addition, it also contains vitamin E, which protects your hair from damage that would impair its quality and reduce the number of hair follicles.

Avocado is a delicious source of healthy fats Photo: Taryn Elliott

6. Fatty fish

Fish with a high fat content, such as salmon, brine and sardines, are a great resource omega-3 fatty acids, which will help your hair grow faster. Studies have shown that taking supplements containing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and antioxidants reduces hair loss and increases hair density. Oily fish are also an excellent source proteins, selenium and vitamins B and D3. These are all nutrients that help hair stay strong and healthy.

7. Nuts

A lot vitamin E you can also find in nuts, above all almonds. Just 28 grams of almonds will meet a third of your daily need for this vitamin.
Additionally, nuts are an excellent source B vitamins, zinc and of essential fatty acids – nutrients, the lack of which experts associate with hair loss.

Nuts are a great snack on the way to beautiful hair Photo: David Disponett / Pexels

8. Seeds

Seeds they contain a lot vitamin E, zinc and selenium, but at the same time they have very few calories. We suggest that you consume a mixture of different seeds, among which we recommend the most sunflower, chia and flax seeds.

9. Pepper

Paprika is a great resource of vitamin C, which will help your hair grow faster. Just one yellow pepper contains significantly more vitamin C than an orange. In addition, sweet peppers are also an excellent source vitamin A.

Even seafood can help you have beautiful hair Photo: 奥尼尔 / Pexels

10. Oysters

Oysters are one of the best sources zinc, a mineral that promotes hair growth and regeneration. Experts warn that its deficiency can increase hair loss. But be careful: too much zinc intake will have the same effect. That's why oysters are an ideal addition to your diet, as they contain just the right amount of this mineral.

11. Shrimp

They are also an excellent choice among seafood shrimp. They are an excellent resource proteins, vitamins B and D, zinc and iron. Another good feature of them is that, despite their very low fat content, they contain omega-3 fatty acids.

12. Legumes

Legumes can be included in a wide variety of dishes Photo: Bakd&Raw by Karolin Baitinger / Unsplash

Legumes, such as peas, beans, lens and chickpeas, are a great resource proteins, zinc, of iron, biotin and of folates. Their advantage also lies in the fact that they can be included in a wide variety of dishes: from salads to sauces, soups and spreads.

13. Soy

Soy is a great resource spermidine, compounds that are supposed to prolong the active phase of hair growth. It also contains vitamins B1 and B6, which are responsible for keeping your hair soft and healthy.

14. Meat

Proteins, which help restore hair and strengthen hair follicles, are also found in meat. We especially recommend it red meat, which is also rich in iron.

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