
These are the 4 messages guys love to receive from their significant other and the 3 they hate

Photo: envato

SMS messages are great for communication between partners, but what if the recipient can interpret them in different ways, and the sender is not around for possible explanations.

Humans are emotional beings and can sometimes react defensively to certain words, even if there was no need for it.

You can't go wrong with certain types of SMS when communicating with your partner. If you write them down correctly and use your communication skills well, you can achieve many things, from giving a little spice up your relationship, to the point that you show your partner that you value and respect him. With SMS you can you open up the man emotionally and connect the two of you.

4 types of SMS that a man wants to receive from you:

1. Pay him a compliment

Men often compliment each other. They also don't get many from women - they probably just get a bunch of complaints.

Compliments are great because they help him relax. With them, he feels that he is good with you. They may even wake up from the joy of paying him a compliment endorphins. Making him feel good will remind him of your connection.

Write to him for example "You're so good at it" or “I'm still thinking about the dinner you made yesterday. You really are a great cook". Whatever he's good at, praise him for it. He will remember and appreciate your compliment.

2. Address his manhood


Your loved one will appreciate any messages that appeal to his wit, masculinity, intelligence and achievement. If you write to him "I always feel so safe in your arms", you will praise his masculine side and protective instinct.

When reading such messages he will be proud of himself, and the best thing about all this is that he will remember you when he has such feelings.

If you have a boyfriend with a great sense of humor, send him a text that reminds him of something that made you laugh. He will feel proud about it.

Of course, you always have to making sure you sound authentic, otherwise you may not achieve your goal.

3. Creates sexual tension


When we expect something important, especially if it is related to sexuality, strong emotions are always awakened in us. So if you would like to seduce him, send him a message to remind him moments of your sexual intimacy.

Try to paint him a scene that will make him anxiously await your next meeting. The descriptions should be really vivid so that he will read them as if he were watching a movie. Also describe to him how you feel (physically), for example: "When I thought of you, I suddenly felt a tingling sensation and my heart began to beat faster."

At this he will smile and laugh reminded why it's so nice for you two to be together.

4. Show that you appreciate his efforts


Your sweetie had the perfect plan for your date night, and when he finds out that the restaurant got the reservations mixed up, his plans go awry. He tries to spend the evening doing other fun things and they really have a great time. He ends up taking you home, and the next day you feel like you're on the clouds.

If him the day after the date you send a message and thank him for all the effort, which he invested in order to have the best possible time, he will appreciate your kindness and soon organized an evening date again. He will know what makes you happy, and he will strive to make you happy many more times.

Write for example: "I had a really good time with you yesterday."

If you specify even more precisely what you especially liked about the date, he will be even more satisfied. The best thing about all of this is that he will know that you will not punish him unnecessarily if something goes wrong in the future.

Just a warning, just in case men don't like messages that feel like you're pushing them. If you're not a serious couple yet, don't send him messages that read like you're in a real relationship.

And 3 more types of messages he absolutely hates:

1. Negative messages

Be positive. Never to him don't text about something you don't agree on. Don't release your negative emotions and don't write about how disappointed you are, etc.

If you are angry about something, tell him in person or on the phone. If you write about it, he can interpret the matter even worse than it really is, and this can even jeopardize your relationship.

2. Messages that cause stress or argument

Type messages "Would you like to meet my parents tonight?" they are full of loopholes. If he says no, you will be angry and you will probably fight. Meeting your parents is a big deal in many cultures.

Instead of scaring him with such a message, you can write to him: “My parents are coming into town today and we're going out for lunch or dinner. Would you like to join us?”

This will ensure that he won't feel like you're pushing him. Maybe your relationship is still too young for him to really get to know your parents, but if you've been dating for quite some time and he's still hesitant to take that step, he might not be someone worth keeping around.

3. "Where have you been?"

That sounds like counting. No one, especially men, likes to receive a passive-aggressive message. Nobody he doesn't like criticism, and when you say that, it sounds like he hasn't called or texted you enough.

In addition, it means that you were waiting for him to call you or write to you. A confident woman would not just sit and wait for his call/message, she would go out and live her life.

If a man likes to play around and just disappears, you can always tell him you're busy when he comes back. You can tell him that he can't just disappear and then expect you to welcome him back with open arms and without asking where he's been.

So, now you know what is smart and what not to write in a message, and we hope that now your communication will only be better and that your love grew as you both wish.

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