
These are 4 simple tricks for your glass ceramic hob: to make it shine like new!

How to tackle oil stains and maintain shine effortlessly

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Photo: envato elements

Sometimes it seems that glass-ceramic cooktops have more in common with capricious celebrities than ordinary kitchen gadgets. One moment shiny, the next already covered in unidentified sticky stains. We reveal to you how to turn your stove into a real kitchen gem - and without emergency calls to the cleaning services! So - this is how we clean the glass-ceramic hob properly!

Have you ever wondered why your glass ceramic stove looks like a crime scene where fingerprints are the main evidence? Don't worry, you're not alone. All you need is a little knowledge, some imagination and maybe a pinch of humor to make your kitchen shine like the new member of the royal family again. So – this is how we clean the glass-ceramic hob properly!

Step One: Hot date with a scraper

Imagine it's your stove reality show star, where you have to remove all traces of previous episodes. First, use a special scraper for glass-ceramic plates. It's ideal to do this while the stove is still warm - like freshly baked doughnuts. Don't forget protective gloves, especially if you use any abrasive cleaner.

Step Two: A few drops of magic elixir

Now that your stove is free of major debris, it's time to do the cleaning dance. Use a specialist glass ceramic hob cleaner. But be careful, don't overdo it - it doesn't have to look like a snowy landscape. Rub the surface with gentle but firm movements. Think of it as a gentle massage to help melt away any tension (read: blemishes).

Third step: Bakers hide, baking soda in hand

For those days when you feel like chemical wizard, try a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar. This dynamic duo not only removes stubborn stains, but also leaves your stove smelling like pristine nature—or at least not like yesterday's French fries.

Step Four: Home Cleaning Power

When blemishes seem as stubborn as yours grandmother's determination for Sunday lunches, it's time for a homemade solution. Take baking soda and sprinkle it over critical areas like you're making a snow blanket for Christmas decorations. Then, with a touch of alchemy, sprinkle a little hydrogen peroxide. Now it's time for magic! Gently rub the sponge over the surface as if drawing hearts on a birthday cake. If you're feeling particularly adventurous, you can also add a little lemon juice for extra shine and a nice scent.

This homemade preparation will restore your stove's shine, without compromising the surface or your wallet. Plus, you can have fun making the mixture – who says cleaning can't be like a fun science experiment?

With these tricks, it will be yours glass ceramic stove not only clean but will shine like a diamond on the red carpet. And remember, the next time you stand in front of your kitchen, armed with a sponge and a cleaner, think: this is not just a stove, this is the canvas of your kitchen art. Let it shine in all its glory!

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