
These are 5 astrological signs that never forget if you hurt them

If you hurt or offended them in any way, people born under these astrological signs will never forget it.

Some people find it harder to forgive than others. Especially if they are offended or hurt. And these astrological signs they never forget!


Scorpio NEVER forgives betrayal or deception. Trust, loyalty and honesty are key items in his life. He doesn't forgive easily. It's hard for him to forget if you did something hurtful to him or said something that hurt him. Time heals most people's wounds, but this does not apply to a scorpion, he just processes and forgets the pain in his own way.


Bulls are very stubborn and never forget. They are not ready for any compromise. If you don't apologize after an argument, there's no way they'll take the first step toward reconciliation. They don't forget mistakes and probably won't repeat them. They will take every opportunity to point out how you betrayed their trust. Taurus is careful, especially when it comes to who they trust.

Bulls are very stubborn and never forget.
Bulls are very stubborn and never forget.


Don't try to push him out of his comfort zone and accept him as he is. She forgives easily, but never forgets. Cancer is a sign that often changes its mood and likes to relive things that have caused it pain. Difficulty forgiving infidelity or betrayal.

A virgin

They never forget facts and answers. If they forget something in the area they are interested in, they will learn it again and deepen their knowledge. If there is cheating in the relationship, they are ready to let it go quickly... but they will never forget it!

Virgos can quickly forgive cheating in a relationship, but they never forget!
Virgos can quickly forgive cheating in a relationship, but they never forget!


They remember important dates and tasks. They are reliable, responsible, if they promised something, they will do it. When their partner cheats on them, they end the relationship. Because they realize that they will not be able to create a beautiful future with an unfaithful person. There is a possibility that with a sincere apology, they will forgive the deception (if they are really very much in love), but they will certainly never forget it.

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