
These are 7 traits of real men who know what a strong woman needs

Photo: Gijs Coolen on Pexels

He is a man with a capital letter who has female representatives who are strong and at the same time independent women.

A strong woman is one who knows what she wants and wants to spend her life with a man who will be worthy of her. With a man who will be mature enough to go through life with her shoulder to shoulder. One who will see and accept her as she is and be her best friend.

A strong woman understands that being strong doesn't mean that she doesn't need anyone by her side in life, but that she knows how to set standards and welcome people into her life who will support her and be with her on this journey.

What is such a man like, what are his qualities?

1. He has his own goals and dreams

A man who sets goals and dreams for himself will more easily understand an ambitious woman who is on a similar path as him and who knows exactly what she wants from life.

2. He is confident in himself and in his decisions

A man who constantly needs validation for what he does and what he is worth will not find what he is looking for in a strong and independent woman, because such a woman will certainly not constantly remind him how much she needs him in life.

3. Respects privacy

Women who are focused on their mission and life path do not need constant validation from others of their worth. They live in the moment and don't bother with what others think of them. A man who is in a relationship with such a woman must agree with her what will remain between them and what they will reveal in public.

4. He knows when a woman needs encouragement

An independent woman who has her own goals and is building a career will appreciate a partner who will sometimes take the initiative and, for example, plan a date. She will appreciate a man who is cavalier, full of respect, and who understands her independence and treats her with respect.

5. He is not possessive or jealous

Possessive men, prone to exaggeration, will lose a strong woman very quickly, because she does not need someone to constantly "hold her hand". She is most suited to a partner who lives his life with her without trying to completely intertwine their lives.

6. He is an excellent communicator

This not only means that such a man knows how to express his feelings, but also knows how to listen and correctly interpret what a woman is saying to him. Not all women are open and tender, but they show how they feel in their own way, and it is important for every woman to have a partner by her side who will understand her.

7. His support is unwavering

A strong and confident man will have no problem standing behind his woman when she needs support. He will not betray her trust or discourage her from living the life she wants. A real man will know when to protect his woman and when to support her.
Only a real man understands a woman who lives her life without sacrificing her masculinity, and women need to understand that being a strong and independent man does not mean being arrogant.

The best teams are made up of people who complement each other, who work well together and respect each other. Love is a team sport and with the right person by your side you will always be a winner.

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