
These are the astrological signs that will always give you the best advice!

"The best advice is experience; but that advice comes, alas, always too late." - Amelot de la Houssay

When you need advice, ask for it from someone who understands you and is able to see the situation from your point of view while also offering you a broader perspective.

These five astrological signs are particularly successful at this.

A virgin

Virgo will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. They will not obey you and lie, but will tell the truth. They will not insult you. They will give their opinion respectfully and with an understanding of the situation.

If you have the courage to make changes and need encouragement and good advice, contact them. They may already have an opinion because they have been watching you for some time and analyzing your problem. They are waiting for you to address them yourself, they don't want to be intrusive.


If you want to achieve a goal related to promotion at work, a business venture, or you are in doubt, contact a friend under the sign of Capricorn. You will hear a lot of smart and concise advice. What you should pay attention to and how to decide - whether to risk or not.

You will get surprisingly good advice from an understanding point of view, experiences that Capricorns do not usually reveal. Before you decide, they will guide you on how to find security and stability.


When Taurus advises their friends, they will make sure that you don't settle for less than you deserve, that you don't compromise to your own detriment or give in because it creates the need to give in even more.

Bulls are totally on your side and know what they're talking about. If you accept their advice, follow them fully and be sure that they are working for your welfare and benefit. Even if they don't have ready-made solutions, they will remind you what is most important. You, your needs, your well-being. They will help you to increase your confidence and self-awareness.


Although they may seem chaotic and scattered in all directions, Gemini will suggest that you take a complex approach to the problem and look at it from all sides. They won't let you make a hasty decision. If you have already approached them, they will interrogate you and encourage you to accept all possibilities and to analyze problems from all possible angles.

Intelligent and complex twins have a lot of experience and a rich spiritual side. They will help you deepen your knowledge and broaden your perspective until you understand what you really want.


Above all, Pisces will listen to you with full attention until you say everything you want to say and everything you didn't even know you were holding inside (related to the problem you're trying to deal with).

With a great capacity for empathy and understanding, they will immerse themselves in your problems. They will try to understand what is in your heart and head, how your brain works, what your weak points and triggers are. With a little encouragement, they will motivate you to see and understand this for yourself. In the end they will say that you did it all by yourself, they were just there to listen and understand you.

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