
These are obvious early signs that he is going to break your heart

Love always comes with certain risks – the most threatening is probably the possibility of a broken heart. Regardless of the outcome, watch out for some early signs that he might break your heart.

Just as love can strike us anywhere, anytime, with such force that the ground shakes beneath our feet and we hear the grass grow, so the threat of a broken heart is an ever-present demon that is hard to shake in a romantic relationship. Love always comes with a cap of risk and no one can predict how long it will last. It is impossible to predict exactly whether it will work out or not. However, there are certain signals that we can pay attention to. In the article below, you can read 6 signs that your partner will break your heart.

Early signs that he will break your heart:

Don't introduce you as his girlfriend.

When a man doesn't introduce you as his girlfriend to his family or friends, that's already a sign that something stinks. If they agree that they are not in a relationship and both agree to it, that is of course fine. But if something serious is going on between you two, you're always hanging out together and talking about a future together, but on the other hand, he doesn't recognize you as his girlfriend, be careful.

If you don't like this kind of behavior, don't bully him.
If you don't like this kind of behavior, don't bully him.

He is in a relationship with someone else.

If it's a married man, a man in a long-distance relationship, or someone who's cheating on his girlfriend with you, that's a 99-% sign that it's not going to work out.

He tells you this frankly.

Some men (and women too) are forever looking for adventure. Such people sometimes say it openly. Still in other cases, it's about people who don't want to settle down and say so. Don't pretend you're going to change him. You can accept his terms and risk a broken heart, or you can back out.

Some people just don't want a serious relationship.
Some people just don't want a serious relationship.

You adapt more than he does.

Compromises are, of course, difficult to measure. If one adjusts by coming to a family dinner even though he'd rather be watching a football game, and the other does a small favor five times in a row, it's hard to talk about who's giving up more say for the relationship. And rightly so: a relationship should not be a simple mathematical formula.

Despite this, there are also significant imbalances in relationships. If you feel like you're always compromising for the sake of staying together, take a step back and think about the situation. Do you really want to stay in this relationship for the rest of your life?

He doesn't want to talk about problems.

Bad news for all those who prefer to sweep problems under the carpet: sooner or later such an approach leads to more serious problems!

Pretending that problems will go away on their own won't solve anything.
Pretending that problems will go away on their own won't solve anything.

There are insurmountable differences between you.

If you have completely different desires and you know that you have no intention of changing them, your relationship may be in danger. Of course, there are also partnerships that have survived and are functional despite the great differences, but this is rare and requires a lot of dedication, a lot of wisdom and a good amount of patience.

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