
When do you know you can't live without each other...

Love is the most beautiful emotion a person can feel. And the fact that you cannot live without someone is felt only by those who have known TRUE love.

A relationship has its ups and downs. And it often happens that occasionally doubt your better half. To make sure that it is only for difficult periodse and relationship, in which it is worth persevering, read how they know that they cannot live without each other!

When you can't live without each other:

1. They think of each other. If you love each other, even when you are apart, you are reminded of each other now and then.
2. Everyday things remind you of each other. When you're apart and living your perfectly normal everyday life, activities like lunch at a restaurant you frequent remind you of each other. Then they can't wait to see each other again.
3. You both want to know how you spent your day. Before you go to bed, you tell each other how your day was.
4. They keep their word. They respect your relationship, so they also stick to the promises they made.

They care about each other. 
They care about each other.

6. Read your SMS correspondence again. When you miss each other a lot, comfort yourself by re-reading your old texts.
7. They have their own song. You know very well what your song is and why it evokes strong feelings of love for you.
8. They are best friends. You can trust each other with secrets and have crazy fun.
9. They have common interests. No couple is perfectly compatible, but they have a large enough set of common interests that they can spend a lot of free time together.

They are best friends.
They are best friends.

10. They still love going on dates. Even though your honeymoon phase may be over, you still really look forward to going on a date.
11. It is hard to imagine each other with another partner. Thinking about something like that makes your stomach churn.
12. They care about each other. Sometimes you care a little too much for the other. They like to know that the other is happy and safe.
13. Accept each other's differences. Differences do not limit you, but you see them as an opportunity for personal growth.

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