Have you heard the words, it can always be better, many times in your childhood and later? Or when you achieved great results that so and so, they didn't expect anything else from you? With such an approach, they have set high standards for you, which are sometimes difficult to achieve.
Remember that good can be good enough
People can be perfectionists in various areas of life - in household maintenance, dressing style, way of expressing themselves, in profession, hobby... And when you try to make things perfect, there is a big risk that you won't be able to judge when something is already good enough.
Perfectionists often procrastinate and waste a lot of time checking their work because it has to be perfect, so they work much longer than others.
They don't see the difference between good enough and the best, because for perfectionists, only the best is good enough. They spend time only on one area they are focused on, they don't have enough time for other important segments of life.
While others multitask well enough, a perfectionist does only one in the best possible way. This often leads to them excelling at one thing while other segments of their lives are neglected.
Perfectionists identify with their work
The main problem of people who have a perfectionist attitude is that they do not distinguish between themselves and the results of their work. They identify with their results, they think their results speak for them. If the result is perfect, they are proud and expect others to appreciate them, but if not, they withdraw into themselves and analyze their mistakes.
They take any criticism as a personal defeat
They believe that perfection will protect them from pain and disappointment, but unfortunately it is the opposite, because they are always stressed! Instead of frantically striving for the illusion of perfection, they ask themselves what does it mean to be good enough?
You put a lot of pressure on yourself and you want to strictly follow the chronology of events, so you often don't even do it because you have the excuse that you're not ready enough yet.
Remember that you are almost never prepared enough. Nobody is!
You don't have to have all the answers to dare to go in a new direction. These are all excuses that you consciously or unconsciously make up to stay in your familiar comfort zone. You just need one thing - somewhere to start.
In your desire to avoid mistakes, you often make the mistake of listening to others.
And when you finally start, you block yourself, you start optimizing things, details, information - and you think you need a little more time. If you don't consciously stop this process, it can continue indefinitely and prevent the realization of the idea.
Thought Catalog / Unsplash
You hide behind perfectionism so that you can postpone the first step into the unknown beginning.
Simplicity is more than enough, but you are used to having to work hard to justify your worth. You are used to endless improvements, years of perfection and endless search for ideals, changes and corrections.
Sometimes it's better to show the world an imperfection, a real being, like endlessly polishing an ideal that perhaps no one will ever see.
Sometimes the greatest success is telling your incomplete and unfinished story, standing behind your experiences, asking your questions and finding answers.