
These are the terrible things Google knows about you

Tell me what you're looking for and I'll tell you who you are!

If you still think you can escape Google, you are sorely mistaken. He knows all your little secrets and perverted fantasies. Should you/we be concerned?

In the book Everybody Lies the author Seth Stephens-Davidowitz analyzes and comments on the data it has collected Google. Some are revealed there our most hidden fantasies, that we hide from the world. Even if we browse in no history mode, our desires do not go unnoticed, as some mistakenly think. As the author adds: "Google is a digital truth serum." So what does it say about us?

Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, Everybody Lies
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, Everybody Lies

Certainly one of Seth's major discoveries is that many men denies his sexuality. So there are many more gays among 'heterosexuals' than we think. Women of Google eight times more often they ask if their husband is gay or if he's an alcoholic, and whatnot ten times more often they ask if he is gay or if he is depressed.

Seth also reveals that several hundred young people looking for men adult content with old people and with fatter women. What is supposed to turn women on the most is much more specific. This is how women search on these types of sites smaller, fat men with smaller 'tools'. Adult films that contain are also popular among women violence against women. These are significantly more popular with women than with men. Searches in specific countries also reveal some unusual fetishes: na Japan is so very popular tickling p0rn, v to India well adult breastfeeding.

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