
These are the 10 most common reasons for fights in a relationship

Photo: RODNAE Productions / Pexels

The fact is that every couple fights, even those who at first look like their relationship is perfect. We don't usually talk about it because it's part of our private lives, but it's interesting to know if others are fighting about the same things as us. That's why we found 10 of the most common reasons why romantic partners quarrel.

Arguments they are something completely normal when we talk about partner relationships. There can always be all kinds of misunderstandings, and it is impossible to have everything same opinion. However, the circle should not become your constant, instead use it as an opportunity to learn how to work compromises and resolve misunderstandings on friendly and respectful way.

If you'd like to know what other couples argue about the most, you're not alone. It is always interesting to look at behind the scenes of perfection and find out where we are with the rest similar and in what from them we distinguish. Research has revealed the 10 most common reasons why relationships break out.

Quarrels should not become a constant, but an opportunity to find a compromise Photo: Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

1. Humiliating attitude

If the partner acts as if they are better than you and treats you like inferior, you must realize that you should not allow yourself to do this. Every person is something special and everyone deserves it respectful, loving relationship.

2. Possessiveness and jealousy

If your partner demands that you devote all your time only him, supervises who you hang out with and you accuses things you haven't done is also time for debt, honest conversation. Jealousy and possessiveness usually come from emotional baggage from the past and have nothing to do with the new partner. It is best for everyone to sort out such feelings by himself, because that's the only way he won't sabotage the new relationship.

3. Lack of effort and unreliability

You deserve a partner who won't care your emotions and will be with you with pleasure about them talked. It's also normal to want to agreements are true and that you with words shows love. If you feel like your partner isn't putting in enough effort, the first step is to tell them, focusing on how you feel and what you need.

Earn a partner who won't care Photo: Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

4. Violence

If it is present in your relationship violence, let it be about physically or psychologically, it is imperative that you have love yourself and this relationship leave it. In most cases, violence develops over time increasingly worse and nobody deserves that.

5. Infidelity

It's also unfortunate infidelity a common factor in conflicts in partnerships. Remember that don't ask for too much, if you want your partner to be intimate only and exclusively with you, and yes to cheating there is no excuse. If someone is not satisfied with their relationship, they should solve the problem through conversation or relationship finish, but certainly finding someone new is not the way to go.

6. Indifference

If you feel that you are on your own for everything, as your partner does not help with cleaning and others housework, leaves his clothes lying around and acts like he does anyway, you are not the only one, as many couples face this problem. However, this does not mean that this behavior is okay: talk to your partner and let them know that it is you want a change.

In a healthy relationship, partners help each other with housework Photo: Becca Tapert / Unsplash

7. Obsession with appearance

Believe it or not, too an obsession with appearance ranks high among the reasons for quarrels. Many people make the mistake of thinking that their partner is cheating is constantly engaged with its own appearance, spends a lot for clothes and shoes, ...

8. Negative mood

The fact that one of you is in all the time can also lead to fighting floods of unpleasant emotions – always in a bad mood, angry, resentful. Of course, everyone goes through bad periods in life, and that's when you're with each other we help, but it is an extremely bad sign if a partner shows no interest, to make your problems resolved and vents his anger on you instead.

9. Rejection of sexuality

Arguments about sexuality are just as common – or one of your sexuality refuses and therefore the other feels unwanted, or one of you wants her all the time, even when it doesn't suit the other. Remember that even if you are in a relationship, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do, but let your partner know that doesn't mean you don't feel like it attractive or that you don't have it like.

10. Sexualization of others

We are different from each other. Some couples like to comment together on which singers and movie pairings they like attractive, the others don't. It is important to ask your partner clear border, what else you feel comfortable with and what you don't.

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