Photo: Artem Beliaikin/Unsplash

These are the 10 most naughty dog breeds

Are you (un)lucky enough to own one of them?

These are the most stubborn and stubborn dogs!

There are breeds that simply love training (Borderer, German Shepherd...) and can't wait for the owner's command. For some dogs, such training is a "real nightmare", because due to their stubbornness, predatory instinct and character, they need more training than others. Let's see which breeds are therefore more difficult to train.

1. Afghan Hound

Afghan Hounds are very loving and loyal dogs, but they are also extremely proud, stubborn and headstrong. Due to their strong predatory instinct, it is not unusual for them to chase cats, rabbits, birds and other small animals. They are very intelligent, so they don't take much time to grasp things. They are independent and many times they do not want to participate. It is more difficult for them to follow instructions, because they will always have a predatory instinct inside them, which is difficult to suppress. Since this breed was bred to track and hunt long distances, such a dog should be given the opportunity to run freely several times a week. You will need to retrain the greyhound persistence, motivation and a positive attitude, because forced education will be unsuccessful. Greyhounds are very sensitive.

2. Chow Chow or “fluffy lion dog”

The chow chow originates from northern China, where it is also known by the name "fluffy lion dog". It already has the title of lion in its name and behaves like it. This is not a dog for inexperienced owners as it is very dominant, independent, intelligent and stubborn. As a result, you need determination and a lot of patience when raising such a dog. This breed needs to be socialized in the first days, because it is very territorial and untrustworthy to foreigners. But it is on the other hand very good guard.

3. Basins

In Africa, the natives used this dog for hikes in the jungle, where it warned them of dangerous animals, and also helped them in hunting. It has instinct an Afghan Hound, so it needs to be socialized and raised from an early age. He is known for his extraordinary energy in holds attention for a very short time, so he is not focused on training for long. He is not a big fan of other dogs, but he likes to circle around strangers, as this is how he protects his owner. Bassinets may not actually bark, but they do make other sounds, such as a sort of grunt and yodel.

4. English bulldog

The bulldog was bred for a specific purpose - to participate in bloody bullfights. Over the years, endurance has been replaced by stubbornness, and the aggressive temperament has been replaced by the qualities of a pleasant sociable dog. Today, the English bulldog is devoted, reliable, loyal, loving, gentle, without major aggression. But they are very slow and stubborn. They only do things when they want to, so it's hard to get them out of their comfort zone.

5. "Bloodhound", bloodhound or dog of St. Hubert

They were bred to hunt deer and wild boar, so they are really great hunters. Because they are patient, they never get tired of tracking their prey. They need a lot of exercise and an active owner. It is a very intelligent dog, but it must always be in charge. It is headstrong, independent, so schooling is definitely not the easiest task. Some claim that they are an excellent example of stubbornness, but with persistent training, they can turn into gentle and tolerant family dogs.

6. Pekingese

The Pekingese is a dog that once sat on the laps of Chinese kings and was adored and worshiped as a demigod. Therefore, it is not surprising that they love to lie and sit on your lap. And from this you can conclude that they are not created for training and agility courses. They become very attached to one member of the family, but they are quite distrustful of others. This breed has the feeling that it is important and main, so their character is really hard to tame. They are very protective of their owner, quite jealous and dominant.

7. Dachshund

It was created to hunt badgers, rabbits, foxes and even wild boars, so it is considered a rather brave, independent and stubborn breed. Because they are very lively, independent and intelligent, it is difficult to teach them even the basics. Their minds are constantly busy. They like to bark, chase, jump. They don't like boredom, so they quickly start destroying things around them.

8. Welsh terrier

They were used to hunt rats, badgers, otters and foxes, so their hunting instinct is still present. If the Welsh Terrier doesn't have enough stimulation, he will quickly knock over the trash can or chew on some shoes. I'd really like to thinks his own way therefore, he can be stubborn in the upbringing you want to instill in him. He doesn't like to listen to orders.

9. Russian Greyhound or Borzoi

His original task was to hunt rabbits, foxes and wolves. Today, the borzoi is primarily intended for dog shows, and in the West it is valued as a racing dog. Because he has hunting blood in him, he doesn't like being commanded. He is very stubborn and domineering in his calm way. When training with him, you need to arm yourself with a lot of patience and consistency. These are dogs that like to run, are active, which makes them suitable for owners who have a firm but calm character.

10. English marriage or “beagle”

This breed is still the most widespread among hunters today, as the English breed is known for being extremely loyal and good hunters. They are very lively, mischievous, and sometimes stubborn, so attention is never superfluous. They have a very sharp sense of smell, which is why it is sometimes difficult for them to listen to their owner, because their nose is dominant. In fact, every scent leads this breed to play, explore and discover, so it's hard to keep them down. They need it lots of movement, so as not to destroy objects in the house.

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