
These are the apps that collect the most personal data

Apps installed on our phone literally have our personal information at our fingertips. And since, among other things, they are also involved in the sale of advertising space, they are useful for an easier path to the set goal.

Different applications collect different information about us. When we agree to the terms of any app or website, we give them permission to collect our data in order to use their services. Clario, a cybersecurity company, says that the most data is collected by the applications it is in the user in the spotlight. So if you have a custom profile in the app, then it definitely collects your personal data.

Apps installed on our phone literally have our personal information at our fingertips.

Facebook, Instagram and two dating apps are the absolute champions here, according to Clario's research. Here is a list of 10 apps that collect the most data.

  • Facebook: 70 % collected personal data
  • Instagram: 58.82 % of collected personal data
  • Tinder: 55.88 % of collected personal data
  • Grindr: 52.94 % of collected personal data
  • Uber: 52.94 % of collected personal data
  • Terrible: 41.18 % of collected personal data
  • Tesco: 38.24 % of collected personal data
  • Spotify: 35.29 % of collected personal data
  • MyFitnessPal: 35.29 % of collected personal data
  • Jet2: 35.29 % of collected personal data

The social network Facebook thus collects the most personal data, followed by Instagram. Tinder and Gridr, two dating apps, collect personal information such as first and last name, email address, contact information, and also information such as whether you have a pet.

If you don't want to share so much personal information in these apps, you can check the permissions or in the device settings to some applications disable access. It is up to you to decide how much personal information you want to share.

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