
This is the best advice our mothers ever gave us!

"My mom has always been my biggest supporter. She taught me to never give up and follow my dreams no matter what." - Mandy Moore

Mothers will always know what is best for us. They know how to comfort our fears and give us hope.

Here are some motherly wisdoms you should heed.

1. Go to sleep. The problem will be solved by morning.

What? Did she become clairvoyant? Actually no. When you are tired, fighting against any problems is futile. When you are not rested, your brain does not work well. After a good night's sleep, your head will be clear and your problem will no longer seem as big and intractable as you thought.

2. Never be with a man just because you feel lonely.

Having a partner is not always better than being single. If your partner doesn't make you happy, treats you badly, or just feels like you're missing something all the time, you're going to end up feeling worse and more depressed than when you were alone. Plus, if you're with the wrong man, you won't be available when the right man comes along.

3. Stop spending money on so many shoes.

Save money for rainy days. When your car breaks down, when you need to buy a new washing machine or when you want to travel somewhere. Then you will regret not having any savings. You will only have new shoes on your feet. You save every month. Instead of spending all your money on purchases, set aside a symbolic amount each month for savings. Eventually, you will accumulate an adequate amount for the "dark days".

4. Go out with him. One date won't kill you.

It's nice to have standard criteria, but when you break down some of the stubborn criteria associated with men, you'll meet a much wider range of potential partners—one of whom could be your perfect match.

5. Ignore her. She's just jealous of you.

There is no woman who has not faced female jealousy at least once in her life. A woman who insults another woman has no self-esteem and no self-esteem. If you give back to her in the same measure, you will be no different from her. Please change the subject or leave.

6. Keep your head up!

A cliché, but also a confidence booster. If you are struggling, stay positive and believe that everything will be okay in the end.

7. Look at his relationship with his mother.

He bought his mother a big bouquet and a cashmere sweater for her birthday. Perfect for her, as well as for you. His relationship with his mother becomes the foundation of all his future romantic relationships. If he likes you, you can count on the same attention and respect. But if he's a mama's boy, be careful...unless you want your mother-in-law to live with you one day.

8. If you want a raise, ask for it. The worst thing that can happen to you is to be told 'NO'.

Yes, the question can be daunting, but so can your bank account. If you want a raise, especially if your request is justified and you have complete arguments for it. Of course, you can't just walk up to your boss and say: "I want a raise!" Instead, list what you've accomplished over the years so they get insight into your work that can be the basis for a raise in the future.

9. Never leave the house without decent underwear. God forbid, what if you end up in the hospital?!

When you arrive at the emergency room, the staff should treat you, not look at your underwear. But... Let's look at another unexpected situation - what if you go out for coffee with an irresistibly handsome man who you've liked for a long time, but you think you have no chance?! And your mother told you nicely! 🙂

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