
These are the countries with the most corruption in the world. Where is Slovenia?

The Corruption Perception Index (CPI) is a list of countries with the most and least corruption. They recently released a report for last year and the situation is far from rosy. Where do you think Slovenia is?

The index prepared by Transparency International, estimates 180 countries in terms of corruption in the public sector. Countries were rated with grades from 0 to 100. The higher the score, the better the state is doing in preventing corruption, the lower the score (below 50), the more serious the problem is corruption.
It's at the top of the list New Zealand, are also near the top of the rankings Nordic countries – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Worryingly, they are two thirds of the countries scored below 50, with an average score of 43. And it doesn't look like the situation is going to improve any time soon. The majority of countries are in the prevention of corruption moving at a snail's pace. Some countries have their assessment compared to last year visibly improved, i.e. Ivory Coast, Senegal and Great Britain. Still others, Syria, Yemen and Australia, have their own assessment worsened. Slovenia received this year score 61, same as last year.
You can view the full report here.

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