
These are the most jealous men of the horoscope

Photo: IG @lux_men_fashion

Astrologers have chosen the most jealous representatives of the horoscope among men. Is yours one of them?


The representative of this sign is confident and narcissistic. He wants to be the first and only in everything. A Leo will not tolerate falling into the background or being overshadowed by someone else. According to him, his woman should belong only to him. He does not want to hear that there is someone more beautiful and better than him, so he will often go crazy if he notices that his partner is looking at other men. If you are the partner of a Leo, you are probably already used to having to give him praise all the time.


Cancer, on the other hand, suffers from low self-esteem. She often suffers from self-doubt and therefore blames her partner for mistakes she may not have made. This turns into frequent discussions about where she has been and with whom. He will carefully monitor where her eyes go and how she behaves in public places. Such a man resents his partner for not showing him enough attention and love.


This is a passionate and somewhat dangerous sign. A man born under the constellation Scorpio is convinced that he should fully own his partner. Although he has confidence in himself, the fear of his partner cheating on him drives him to crazy jealous outbursts. For this, he manipulates and tactics in any way to bind his woman to him. If he feels threatened, he uses every possible method to prevent her from leaving.

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