
These are places that are likely to disappear

These are places that are likely to disappear.

Yes, it sounds quite dramatic and threatening. Well, it actually is. Throughout human history, cities have grown, flourished, while others have impoverished and eventually disappeared. It's obviously no different now, when progress means everything in our part of the Earth and behaves accordingly, but forgets about other corners of the world.

It is in poorer cities the unemployment rate is still extremely high, social differences enormous, health and safety are at a low level, and the crime rate is high. The residents have no choice but to wait for better times or to move away, which is often a utopian idea, even given the economic situation.

Robert Muggah, researcher in think tank Brazilian Institute of Igarapa, he found 11 factors, which affect the social and economic existence of cities. He named them fragility or endangerment. He used data from the United Nations University, the World Economic Forum and SecDev to create a map of the world's most vulnerable cities. Blue dots indicate stable sites, and red dots indicate endangered ones.

Muggah scrutinized 20 cities and rated the level of threat from 1 to 4 - 1 represents the lowest level of threat, 4 the highest. Mogadishu is the only city to reach level 4, and there are some others that received a rating of 3.9.

Cities of China, of Japan and South Korea they remain very stable. The cities of the Land of the Rising Sun stand out in particular. We are still safe in Europe for now, while there are cities that are exposed to war conditions (Africa, Middle East) on a heavy blow.

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