
How the world order is changing and what we can learn from history - Ray Delio

History repeats itself!

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It is changing the world in many ways that have not happened in our lifetimes, but have happened many times in history. That's why the author Ray Dalio prepared an infomatic video that examines past changes in society so that we can understand what is happening now and what will happen in the past. You know the saying: "History repeats itself!" And the world order also changes cyclically.

We are all aware that we are at a turning point in our lives and that the society we live in is changing dramatically. It's easy in the air and we don't have to deny it. Author Ray Delio has produced a video that has been viewed by more than 7 million people and is a true world history lesson that analyzes the rise and fall of world order over the past 500 years. Ray Delio:”I shared what I learned in Principles for Dealing with a Changing World Order, and I hope this animation will give people an easy way to understand key ideas from the book in a simple and fun way. In the first 18 minutes, you will understand what drives the "great cycle" of the rise and fall of nations over time and where we are now in this cycle. If you give me 20 minutes more I'll go through the whole thing and I'll show you how the great cycle has worked over the last 500 years of history - and what the current world power, the United States, needs to do to stay strong and not go into decline. "

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Principles for Dealing with a Changing World Order

From legendary investor Ray Dalio, author of the international bestseller Principles, who has studied global economies and markets for half a century, Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order examines the most turbulent economic and political periods in history to reveal why the times ahead will to us, probably radically different from those we have experienced in our lives - but similar to those that have happened many times before.

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