
These are the qualities of a real man! Is he by your side?

A real man knows the secret of small gestures.

Photo: envato

Do you want a man who will listen to you and love you the way you are? There is nothing wrong with a man in a relationship being caring, empathetic and showing real feelings and showing that he is vulnerable.

A real man just looks into a woman's eyes and reads a certain expression in them and asks her: “How do you feel? What is bothering you? Do you need a conversation? " This is a man with a capital letter. Real man.

Here are the secrets of real men, just learn from them.

1. A real man comments on his woman's photos on social media

Not because she posted something important, but because in this way he lets her know that he is interested in her and that he loves her. Real men are always in the mood to take a selfie with their partner and post it because they are proud of her.

2. A real man is careful

Sometimes he surprises his partner and prepares a romantic evening by massaging her legs after a hard day, notices if she is not well, takes care of her.

3. The right man is present

Real men notice everything, they want to please and help, they are really interested in the well-being of their beloved at all levels and are ready to do a lot for her. They want to know that their partner has arrived safely where they went, let's say they leave a message when they arrive, and if the message doesn't come, then they call because they're worried.

4. A real man listens

He listens to how his partner analyzes the emotional dramas of his friends and family. He doesn't promise anything he can't deliver and stands behind his actions or words.

He is - a real man. Photo: Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

5. A real man is reliable

A woman knows that she can always count on him. He does not make meaningless statements, he does not behave passively. He is always there for his partner, and small romantic attentions do not seem superfluous to him.

6. A real man responds to messages

Even if the answer is that he is in a hurry, he does not put his partner in a situation where she does not know what to think and how to interpret certain behaviors or silence. He never leaves her in a dilemma about what kind of place she occupies. Women know that the most important thing is that they are loved, appreciated, respected, protected, that they have a man by their side who really cares.

Real men accept the obligations and responsibilities that a relationship requires because they accept the obligations and responsibilities for all aspects of their lives and because they know that a man is as free as he is responsible.

They talk with their partner and make plans for the future, they commit to loyalty and devotion, they do not shy away from difficult conversations and sensitive topics, they are honest and direct.

They are not foreigners, they are not extremes and heroes from a fairy tale. They exist. There may not be many of them, but there are men who understand how to nurture relationships and how important and demanding love is.

They are not afraid of vulnerability, express their emotions and are ready to do anything for their love.

They know the value of small gestures to which they express their feelings and their commitment in thousands of ways.

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