
These are the strongest women in the world: 9 reasons why single moms are superwomen

Mom, thanks for being you!

It is not easy when you are left alone with a child. But a mother will always do everything in the world to give her child everything it needs. She loves him and there is no obstacle she cannot overcome.

Why are single mothers different from other women?

1. They don't have the support of a man

Doing everything alone is really hard. Cooking, cleaning, working and taking care of yourself is exhausting for a child. And single mothers will do anything for their child.

2. They don't have a backup plan

When children are sick or when they grow into rebellious teenagers, they don't have that "someone" to stand by them and help them. Disciplining a rebellious child without the support of a partner can be really difficult. But still, single mothers do it with finesse and grace.

3. It's all up to them

They don't have the luxury of shifting any responsibility to someone else. If there is a parent-teacher conference in the evening and they have a headache, they will go to the meeting. If they are at work and get a call from school that their child is sick, they will arrange everything necessary to take care of their child.

It is not easy when you are left alone with a child.

4. They have no time for themselves

They don't even know what free time or a massage means, because their evening off involves watching a cartoon or their children's favorite show until they fall asleep.

5. They make sacrifices for the children

They put the children's needs before their own. They love their children more than anything and are happy to do whatever it takes to make the child happy. The smile on his face means the world to them. There is pure emotional power involved in this simple act.

6. One income

Gone are the days when houses were affordable and minimum wage jobs were actually livable. Even jobs that require countless degrees and years of education are often underpaid due to the high cost of living. Single moms have to figure it out and get through the month on one paycheck. They have to manage the financial stress themselves while still trying to provide everything the child wants. This is a power that many people do not have.

They put the children's needs before their own.

7. They are universal

They are a nurse, a teacher, a mechanic, a plumber, a cook, a driver... How can one person carry so many responsibilities and not go completely crazy? It's not just a will and a biological instinct, it's a higher level of power.

8. They do everything with a smile

They fight through smiles and pain. They may be holding back tears and trying to hold back a mental breakdown, but they'll still rush from work to their child's soccer game or music school performance to cheer them on. Even when they are unhappy, sad and just want to hide under the covers, they are still there for them.

9. They are not appreciated

They are often underappreciated because of everything they do. They do everything themselves. But sometimes they want a word of support and a feeling that they are worthy.

They fight through smiles and pain.

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