
These are the two friendliest astrological signs

And one that takes the most time to let you down

Photo: MGM

Who in the horoscope glows with kindness and who is the most difficult to make friends with?

Some astrological signs are real stars when it comes to making friendships. They confidently introduce themselves, strike up a conversation, and send you a message with plans before you even realize you've made a new friendship. Why are some people naturally more open to new acquaintances than others? Well, maybe everything is really written in the stars. Here are two of the friendliest astrological signs—and one sign that takes a really long time to accept new people.

Two of the friendliest signs


You know, that one person who had a big smile on their face during the meeting while everyone else was nervous? Yep, that was probably the scales. While most people hide in their cocoon in the crowd, these social butterflies practically fly here and there. Not only are Libras gifted with crafty ways to start a conversation, but their inquisitive nature keeps them from making the conversation awkward. This air sign isn't afraid to speak up in front of a whole group, and you'll be able to catch him talking to even the most secretive introvert.



If there was a statement "the more we are, the better we get along" life mantra, would belong to Sagittarius; nobody makes new friends as easily as a Sagittarius (well, besides Libra). This fire sign is known for being adventurous, but it can only be really fun when a few close friends join him. Of course, Sagittarius also make long-term friendships in their lives, but it's very likely that the new girl from the office will be invited along for their adventures, as well as their favorite bartender, oh, and that neighbor they were talking to while waiting one day to the elevator. Sagittarians are energetic and give off a lot of positive vibes, so they attract people who wish they could be their friend.


The sign that takes the most time to let you down


If you find yourself chatting with a Pisces and even your best jokes fail, it's not your fault, it's the nature of the Pisces. Pisces are known for their tendency to be independent. They're procrastinators, and if you feel like you're bothering them, it's probably because they're thinking about an art project they've recently started or a romance novel waiting on the nightstand. Pisces are prone to mood swings, which go hand in hand with their scattered nature, so don't be surprised if they keep making excuses as to why they can't get along with you.


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