
These are the wrong signals you are sending to a man you like and actually want to be with!

You like him, but you don't know if he likes you back.

Neither of you wants to make the first move. You are convinced that he needs to make more of an effort to show you that he is interested. But he doesn't get any real signs from you that you like him. Mutual shyness and insecurity can keep you in circles for a long time and ultimately prevent you from being together with the person you like. Because sooner or later someone will be more determined to dare to take the risk and show interest and initiative for them.

Read on to find out what the wrong signals you're sending to the man you like can be.

Keep him in the friend zone

It is difficult to cross the friendship zone, because it is very comfortable and allows you to get to know someone better and establish contact with them and joint activities. If you discourage the guy you like by treating him like a friend, he may never dare to leave the friend zone and ask you out…

You tell him about other men

Maybe you're trying to make him jealous. To see that you are desirable and that you can choose. If he's a decent man, he'll probably back off. He will think that you don't like him, or that you are interested in one of those you talk about and only see him as a friend.

You complain about how you hate dating

If you want him to understand that you are interested in serious love and are tired of superficial modern dating, tell him that. Because he will take your complaining literally and will not want to be another person who bothers and tires you.

You complain about how you hate dating.

Half the time you're flirting and half the time you're at a distance

When you feel stuck, you reach out to your friend and send them mixed signals - the only thing they can be sure of is that you're unbalanced and don't know what you want. Especially if you flirt while under the influence of alcohol. How can he take you seriously?

You treat others the same way you treat him

If you compliment everyone and act intimate, he won't feel special when you do it with him. Just as a woman wants to be special to a man, he also wants to be special - so that you treat him differently than you treat others.

Hang out with him only in a group

If you don't see each other alone, but only in company, then you are part of a team, a friend. You may feel more relaxed when others are around, but this sends him confusing signals, leading him to conclude that he's not interested in you in that particular way.

Hang out with him only in a group.

You're not the first to text (and you're not the first to call)

Maybe you stick to the recipe that a woman shouldn't take the initiative and wait for him to call first, or maybe you're just really frustrated with thinking and texting. If he doesn't answer for days and you don't either, the only thing he can think about is that you don't even think about him.

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