
These astrological signs always fall in love with the wrong person

Photo: Allef Vinicius / Unsplash

Why can't you hook up with someone no matter how much you want to? Find out why some astrological signs just can't stay in a relationship.

Astrologers claim that some astrological signs repeatedly choose the wrong partners and ignore all warnings that indicate potential danger.

So, if you think you're unlucky in love, it's definitely at least partly your own fault!

Just which one?


Aries are very picky, but they are mostly quite superficial, for them appearance is one of the main criteria when choosing a partner. So they often run into someone who isn't nearly as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside.



Sociable Geminis love to be surrounded by people and are usually the center of attention in any company. In order to fall in love with someone, it is enough for them that someone listens to them and supports them in what they have to say, but often later they find out that this someone is not the right person at all.


Cancers get very attached to the people they love, which many know how to take advantage of. So often they end up in a relationship with a person who tries to manipulate them in every way, and when they realize this, they are left alone and unhappy.



People born under this sign often end up in a relationship just to avoid being alone because it's something they don't like. Libras tend to make wrong decisions due to their fear of being alone.


Sagittarians value freedom the most, so they usually choose partners who give them enough space and leave them alone when they want it. But because of such a somewhat casual approach to the relationship, they often end up being cheated on or taken advantage of.

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