
These astrological signs are best friends: see if they really match

Photo: Elle Hughes / Pexels

Who is your best friend? Is this really a capricorn? Could it be a lion? Perhaps neither, but a scale?

Astrology is really an interesting and versatile science. Based on the compatibility of the traits of the astrological signs, we reveal to you who is yours best friend according to astrology.

Have you ever wondered why you and your friend are such a good match? Then you should not miss this article.


They are Aries' best friends twins and aries. When it comes to love affairs, two Aries are not a particularly good combination and usually the relationship ends very stormy. But their friendships can last forever. Friendship between Aries and Gemini can be described as laughter. Witty Gemini and Aries see the positive side of every situation and will always have a good time.


A bull's best friends are – virgo and cancer. Taurus is a person who does not like change. He just wants his friends to be reliable, and it's hard to find a more reliable person than a Virgo. Virgo is the one who will cheer up the bull in his darkest days. Taurus also gets along very well with sensitive Cancer.

You can talk for hours wherever you are. Photo: Greg Raines/Unsplash


They are best friends with twins libra and lion. Gemini and Libra are air signs that radiate intellect. Whether they're watching movies, wandering through museums, or experimenting with new wines, they'll be engaged in lively conversation the entire time. The combination of Gemini and Leo is potentially hostile, but when they are not competing, they complement each other's sentences.


Cancer's best friends are – Pisces and Capricorn. When two water signs come together, things just flow. Pisces and Cancer are extremely empathetic and can find refuge in each other from the outside world. They can spend hours and days together without ever getting bored. Cancer and Capricorn are opposite signs, but as the two most responsible signs in astrology, they represent an incredibly strong friendship alliance.


They are the best friends of a lion sagittarius and libra. Leo is the one ruled by the Sun, while Jupiter is responsible for the characteristic features of Sagittarius. Therefore, these two signs serve as inspiration for each other. They are best friends and an unstoppable force. In contrast, what appeals to a Leo in a Libra is beauty and style. They are great together and noticeable at every turn.

Friendship forever! Photo: Joel Bengs/Unsplash

A virgin

Virgo's best friends are – cancer and scorpio. Virgo is the one who always tries to fix other people's lives. But who wants to fix it? None other than a sensitive Cancer who knows how to handle a Virgo who never asks for help. On the other hand, when it comes to friendship between a virgo and a scorpio, it is based on keeping secrets. These signs value loyalty and know that their secret is in safe hands.


Libra's best friends are – taurus and aquarius. The planet of art, music and aesthetics rules over Libra and Taurus. That's why these two signs are best friends because they have the same taste. They never lack topics for conversation. Although at first glance the friendship between Libra and Aquarius seems rather superficial, it is actually very deep and based on intellectual understanding.


Scorpio's best friends are – ram and bull. Scorpio and Aries are extremely strong. Their friendship usually begins as a competition, after which a mutual respect is created. Taurus is the opposite of Scorpio. However, the qualities that these two signs work on bind them together, which is sensitivity and a willingness to fight for what they want.


A shooter's best friends are – fish and ram. Jupiter, the planet of optimism and joy, rules over Pisces and Sagittarius. These two signs represent a lucky charm for each other in life. Pisces are the ones who encourage Sagittarius to follow their dreams. In contrast to this friendship, there is also an extremely strong relationship between Aries and Sagittarius. They can easily read each other's minds.

They understand each other without words! Photo: Vitaly Sacred / Unsplash


Capricorn's best friends are – virgo and aquarius. As two very everyday signs, Capricorn and Virgo carry the label of being obsessed with work, but what they appreciate about each other is the very dark side that scares other people. They don't care what others think when they are together. Friendship between Capricorn and Aquarius is like good old wine. The more time passes, the stronger and more stable it is.


Aquarians' best friends are – the twins and the lion. Both Aquarius and Gemini love people and communication with them. They represent a couple that is always welcome at any party. As opposite signs, Leo and Aquarius are known for being fiercely independent. They become best friends because they understand best how the other person feels.


A fish's best friends are – scorpio and capricorn. Although many people find Scorpios scary, Pisces know that deep down they hide a very sensitive side of their personality. Neither of them likes empty stories, so they resort to long conversations. Despite the fact that fish are very simple and are often not understood in society. If anyone can understand them, it's a Capricorn who recognizes their hidden wisdom.

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