
These things in the home cause fatigue: From the TV on to the wrong smell of a candle

Photo: envato

Have you ever walked into your home and felt even more tired instead of feeling relaxed?

Have you ever thought that your home could be the source of your fatigue?

Entering the house should be a moment of relaxation and renewal of energy, but sometimes the opposite happens. Instead, we feel even more exhausted and listless, when we step over the threshold of our own home.

Why is this happening?

The answer lies in the various factors that can affect our well-being and energy level when we are at home.

Your home, your oasis of peace, can become a source of stress and fatigue for various reasons. Maybe you've never seriously considered how wall color affects your mood, or how clutter can negatively affect your mental health.

Even yours bedding or smartphone position it can affect the quality of your sleep and therefore your energy during the day.

Are you tired? Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Scientific research has shown that there is a strong connection between our physical environment and our emotional state and energy level. And although sometimes we may not realize how you small details in our home affect us, it is important to understand how we can change our environment to feel more refreshed, energized and full of life.

If you feel as if your house is draining instead of giving you energy, consider the following possible causes:

The color of the walls

It's surprising how the color of the walls can affect our mood and energy level. Research has shown that cool shades such as grey, blue and azure can have a calming effect, leading to a slower heart rate and lower blood pressure. So if you feel sleepy, the reason may be the color of your walls. Try repainting them in warmer, more positive shades that will fill your home with liveliness.

Television as a constant companion

The continuous operation of the television can create information noise that negatively affects our mental health. If you are used to immediately sitting down in front of the TV upon entering the house, it is possible that this habit is causing headaches and general discomfort.

We would like to watch our favorite series, but... Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Try to reduce the amount of time you spend in front of the screen and instead treat yourself to moments of silence or activities that help you relax.

Mess and dirt

Chaos in the home can cause constant tension and stress, which can drain your energy. Research has shown that clutter affects our brain and makes it difficult to concentrate, which in turn leads to feelings of fatigue. Try to clean and organize your home on a regular basis to create a more peaceful and relaxed environment.

Eating habits

Fast food and a large dinner can cause sleep problems and consequently fatigue. Junk foods high in carbohydrates and sugar can cause sudden spikes in blood sugar, which can lead to feelings of fatigue and lack of energy. Try healthier alternatives and avoid heavy meals before bed.


The scent of lavender is known for its relaxing properties, but overexposure to this fragrance can cause drowsiness and fatigue. Try a variety of scents, such as mint or citrus, to revive your senses without the risk of over-fatigue.

...we'd rather fall asleep. Photo: Vika Glitter / Pexels


Lack of natural light in the home can affect our mood and energy levels. Closed blinds and thick curtains can create a feeling of confinement and depression. Try to make maximum use of natural light and fill your home with energy.


Too low a room temperature can make you feel tired and sleepy. Ensure that the temperature in your home is suitable for a comfortable stay and well-being.

Smart devices

A mobile phone or a tablet on the bedside table can disturb quality sleep and cause a feeling of fatigue. Try to limit the use of these devices before bedtime and prefer to leave them in another room.

The quality of the bedding

Inadequate bedding can affect the quality of your sleep. Make sure you have comfortable bedding that will properly regulate your body temperature and enable you to have a peaceful and quality sleep.

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