
Are your summer sandals itching? This is how you will solve this unpleasant problem!

If you also encounter unpleasant blisters when wearing summer footwear, which can sometimes even bleed, here are some tricks to avoid this. You will thank us!

Nice weather, it's time to show off all your beautiful sandals, heels, flip-flops...but what if they're blistering us? No girl is willing to suffer that much for beauty, right? Here are some great tricks to help you with pesky blisters!

Beautiful summer sandals can be hiding in your closet. But what if you get blisters?
Beautiful summer sandals can be hiding in your closet. But what if you get blisters?

Too big shoes

Famous ladies often walk the red carpet in shoes that are one size too big for them. Fashion expert Harriet Davey says there's a simple reason for this - they want to avoid blisters. But what do they do to avoid "falling out of their shoes"?

If you decide to do this trick, be sure to put it in your shoes silicone inserts, which will prevent your foot from slipping, and on the side, stabilize your foot from both sides with double-sided adhesive tapes. She also used this trick countless times Meghan Markle, when she was actively performing her royal duties. This made it easier for her to get through most of the day on Fridays, and besides, she did avoided leg cramps, which can be caused by shoes that are too tight.

Since most women suffer from swollen feet in the summer, uncomfortable and tight shoes can only make it worse. Read on if you want to learn some additional tricks that will save you from blisters.


If these shoes are itchy in the toe area, you should expose them to cold air for a while. Therefore, the best solution is to give them for 24 hours in the freezer and you place a small bag filled with water in them. As the water freezes, it will turn into ice, increasing its volume, which will expand the shoe. In addition to water, alcohol can also help you spread your shoes. You can rub this on your shoes with rubbing alcohol and when it dries, the shoes will be softer.

If these shoes are itchy in the toe area, you should expose them to cold air for a while.
If these shoes are itchy in the toe area, you should expose them to cold air for a while.


You can also stretch the shoes by putting in them you leave crumpled and damp newsprint overnight. As the leaves dry, they will gradually expand and so will the shoes. If you have new sandals that you want to stretch out, you can put them on thick winter socks and you walk around your apartment in them for a few hours. This trick should give you instant results!


If you are looking for a really quick solution, you have two things in the bathroom that could help you. She is the first hand cream, which you apply in a larger amount to the shoe before putting it on. This is an effective, but unfortunately also a one-time solution. Another solution is to use deodorant. Before you put on your shoes, theirs spray the interior with deodorant, especially in those places that make you angry the most. This way, you will ensure a comfortable walk on Friday and last the whole day without any problems. If you don't use a deodorant spray, it should work just as well baby powder.

Even deodorant can work wonders!
Even deodorant can work wonders!

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