
Are you gaining weight as a couple?! Frequent fights that contribute to weight gain can be to blame!

Surprising discovery: Frequent fights do not burn calories, but can lead to obesity!

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Photo: envato elements

It's no secret that arguments are a part of every relationship. They are like rainy days - inevitable, but sometimes necessary for healthy growth. But what if we told you that those "rainy days" in your dating life not only contribute to relationship tension, but also to your weight? Are you gaining weight as a couple? Next time you get into a heated argument, stop for a moment and read this.

People we like to joke, yes arguments burn calories. However, this may not be true, according to research. Frequent fights can actually contribute to weight gain. Ask yourself a few times: Is this fight really worth it? You might be surprised by the answer.

Are you gaining weight as a couple? The answer can be extremely simple!

How is this possible, you ask? Well, it starts with our body and the way it responds to stress. As we know, fights are very stressful. Stress leads to increased secretion of the hormone insulin, which is responsible for storing fat in our body. So, the more you fight, the more insulin is secreted and the more fat is stored.

Furthermore, frequent fights can also lead to insomnia, which is another factor that can contribute to weight gain. Insomnia can increase food cravings, especially sugary and fatty foods that are high in calories.

Photo: envato elements
Scientists verified this connection in a study with 43 healthy couples, who have been married for at least three years. After a hearty meal, they were asked to discuss certain topics, which were designed to piss them off. The results were surprising: couples who argued burned an average of 31 calories less per hour than those in calmer relationships.
They breed
Photo: envato elements
So, before you get into an argument next time, stop and think. Would it be better to leave this topic for later, when you are calmer? Might it make sense to find more constructive ways to resolve conflicts? Not only will this improve your relationship, but it could also prevent you from putting on some unnecessary extra pounds.

Are you gaining weight as a couple? It is important to find a healthy balance in a partnership. Arguments are inevitable, but we must not let them rule our lives. Ultimately, it's important to be aware of how our behavior affects our health and well-being—and that includes our weight. So, the next time you find yourself in the middle of an argument, stop for a moment and ask, "Is this argument really worth the extra pounds?" You might be surprised by the answer.

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