
They are not destined: 4 signs that are really unlucky in love

They are not destined: 4 signs that are really unlucky in love

Which signs are really unlucky in love?

Just about every person at some point in their life thought it was her love state is doomed. Somehow, nothing worked - while everyone else was happily loving, dating and having children, one thing was true for you: YOU ARE FOREVER SINGLE.

While you may be the type of person who enjoys the single life, at least once have you asked yourself, what is wrong with you, that you can't find love. Are you not destined? Who has rebelled against you?

Love is a complicated feeling, so you won't just get an answer, why can't you find the RIGHT person – a combination of many circumstances is to blame for your fate, but you can change some things. Your mindset! You probably know the saying that the way you breathe is the way you attract. Choose instead of pessimism optimism. Instead of a scowl, choose a wide smile.

Among the circumstances to blame for being single, the stars also found their place. Astrology, whether you want to admit it or not, it has a role to play in your life. And she may be the one to blame for not finding your soulmate. Namely, there are 4 astrological signs which they are by no means unlucky in love. That doesn't mean they'll be single forever, but they'll experience quite a few heartbreaks before they do they find the RIGHTWORTHY PERSON.

4 signs that are really unlucky in love:


People born under the sign of Cancer are considered extremely devoted partners, but they are unlucky in love...and they have themselves to blame for it. When they fall in love, they give themselves completely, their partners often take advantage of them, leaving them alone with a broken heart.

Cancer is extremely sensitive. He is quickly affected by criticism and condemnation. He is quick to anger and takes things to heart. Cancers are empathic, which hurts them in love relationships. The partner usually has to get used to their sensitivity, which becomes tiring.

Cancer is extremely sensitive.
Cancer is extremely sensitive.


Once a virgin gets burned, it will be difficult for her to get back into a relationship. First, she will test her partner until she finds out that he will not break her heart. Because they are indecisive, they often end up closing the door on potential soul mates.

Virgo has high standards that she herself often cannot achieve. She is ambitious and a perfectionist, which can be extremely harmful in a relationship because her partner cannot meet her expectations. She also often expects her relationship to be perfect.


Capricorns have problems with timing because they usually meet the right people at the wrong moment, when they are at a certain stage of life, when they choose other priorities instead of love.

Other people perceive Capricorns as boring people with nothing to do. If you became more interesting, you could achieve success in love.

Capricorn has a problem with time.
Capricorn has a problem with time.


Pisces have trust issues as they trust people too much and as a result make wrong emotional choices. The problem is that they never learn anything new from their mistakes and allow themselves to be hurt by others again.

Pisces also have a problem with expectations. Love is not perfect like in romantic movies and they have to learn to accept the fact that there will be bad moments in love. When they understand that love is not a fairy tale, others will treat them much better.

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