
Do things get to you quickly? 8 ways to get stronger

Do you find that the smallest thing puts you in a bad mood? Does every ill-intentioned statement hurt you, even though you try not to? We have prepared 8 ways for you to deal with problems more easily and with less pain.

We all have days when just getting out of bed and getting ready for everything we have to do is the biggest challenge. Sometimes there are days when we are faced with stress and problems in private life or career, but sometimes they are an indicator of psychological problems. In any case, it is precisely at such moments that it is most important that let's stop, we breathe and let's focus on how get back energy and positive thinking.

And the first step on that path is yes we can't afford it, for things to hit us too fast. Here are 8 ways to get stronger.

1. Don't take everything personally

Can a colleague's statement or a customer's rude behavior ruin your day? In these moments, remember that everyone has their own problems that they have absolutely nothing to do with you and that sometimes people take out their frustrations on the first person around them. Of course, just because they're dealing with problems doesn't excuse their behavior, but it can remind you that it does there is no reason, that such behavior would come to you alive. To people who they don't know your character and they are not close to you, you shouldn't let them affect your mood.

2. Focus on the solution instead of the problem

We all face failures in life. The easiest answer to this is to open the door to negative thoughts and allow them to fill our psyche. Of course you didn't succeed, because you're not smart and capable enough. Of course you made a mistake, because it happens to you all the time. Stop. It happens to everyone, to do something wrong, even to those you consider role models. Instead of spending energy trying to remember all the reasons why you failed again, focus it on how to solve the problem. Can the error be corrected? and if yes how? And if not, how you will act in the future, that it will not happen again? Every failure is an opportunity learn something new and you move forward with your head held high.

Focus on the solution instead of the problem Photo: Christina @wocintechchat.com / Unsplash

3. Don't compare yourself to others

When things don't seem to be going according to plan, you add to our great pain by starting to compare yourself to others and theirs. "perfect lives"– the exact opposite of ours. Here it must be remembered that life is not a race. Everyone moves at their own pace - some reach their goals sooner than others and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Compete only with past version of themselves and rejoice in every obstacle you've successfully overcome and everything you've learned along the way. It is also worth noting here that most of them show their lives in the best possible light, which is often completely different from reality. That's why comparing it to a picture that we don't even see in its entirety is all the more pointless.

4. Think of all the positive things around you

It sounds simple, but in moments when you are facing sadness and the world looks black, it is unfortunately not the case. However, try to look at things anyway from an objective angle. Yes, an event did not turn out as you hoped, but you still have many things in life to be happy about. Health, family, friends, everything, what you have managed to achieve so far... all this and much more is a perfectly valid reason to be happy.

5. Remember: when one door closes, another opens

Did you fail to get the job you were counting on? Has your friend moved away from you and no longer feels the need to hang out? Too bad. However, this is far from the end of the world - often right a failure represents an opportunity for something completely better. It might be waiting for you around the corner the second career opportunity, of which you will be even more proud. Then you'll be thankful that your first plan didn't work out. Maybe it's a friend's indifference sign, that time, give yours you finally stop wasting energy on relationships, that lead nowhere and surround yourself with people who will appreciate you.

6. Be responsible for your self-esteem

Be responsible for your self-confidence Photo: Mitul Gajera / Unsplash

If your confidence dependent on the opinions of others, their statements will hit you right away. That's why it's time to work on yourself, which is a time-consuming process, but its result is worth every moment. You must realize that you deserve respect and love. That, like everyone else, you have some shortcomings, but also many good qualities. And if someone is unable to appreciate them, that's their problem, not yours, and certainly not a reason to make you feel bad.

7. Surround yourself with those who make you feel good

It is important that, especially in times when it is most difficult for us, we are surrounded by those who they lift our mood. You deserve much more than being in the company of people who they have a bad effect on you and your self-esteem. Observe your mood when you leave your circle of friends and decide who is worth devoting your time and energy to.

8. Accept that there will always be obstacles in life, but also that you can always overcome them

Bad days and obstacles they are a part of life just like successes and bright moments and because of the former, you will be able to appreciate the latter all the more. Also, you will always run into people you just don't get along with: right nobody, not even those you look up to with the greatest admiration, it doesn't please everyone. And once you accept that, it will be much easier to not let a rude statement or an unwanted event ruin your happiness.

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