
Things that are very hard to say when your emotions are boiling over

When you look back, you usually regret the things you didn't do or say more than the things you did.

Some words can stay inside you and turn into toxic emotional waste if you don't let them go. They can be intended for different people or just one person. Don't let them eat you up.

Maybe through reading, we encourage you to remember who you should tell them to, so that maybe one day you won't regret it.

I miss you.

You may feel that you have no right to tell someone this because your relationship or relationship is not at this stage.

Do you agree that it is easy to tell someone you met or returned home that you missed them when they were gone? Why is it difficult to say the same thing to someone who may not want to hear it? Or did you decide for yourself that he doesn't want that?

Be selfish. Tell the person you miss them just because it's true. The truth doesn't choose whether someone likes it or whether it's appropriate (because it usually isn't). The truth is disturbing. Never mind, the truth sets you free. Allow yourself, they can no longer ignore you.

I hate your games.

Are you listening to him tell you what he's been doing with other women and wondering if he's being stupid or not realizing that you know he's going to do it (or is already doing it) to you?

You read it because it's predictable, it's not something you have to worry about, think about, and analyze. It's something you're aware of and can't stand. Tell him, express your opinion, you have every right.

I know you.

This is typical of men - you've known someone for years and they still imagine you see that beautiful image they're trying to project about themselves. He doesn't realize that you know all his weak points, triggers, stupidities, insecurities and prejudices. It's very painful for his ego, but very healing for your soul when that false image crumbles. He still believes in his ideal image, but he can no longer deceive you for a long time.

I love you.

Say these words to the one you love whenever you get the chance. Nothing wrong with that if it brings tears to your eyes. We are all vulnerable in love. The greatest courage is not to retreat, not to be ashamed and not to hide your vulnerability.

I want you so bad it hurts.

If you feel it when you miss someone, if the pain brings you to tears, tell them. Trust the person you long for. Let him/her know. Communicate, it may clear up many ambiguities between you.

You will never admit your feelings.

Let them know that they have been overlooked and that it is not respectful at all. Tell them they turned you off with this cold attitude. They may be offended and become even more distant. Come on, it's not your part of the responsibility - it's yours to honor yourself and your feelings and your truth.

You are really stupid.

You may be surprised when you casually insult someone and the person nods at you and says: "I know". Sometimes this opens the way to a better understanding and resolution of unresolved and unfinished relationships.

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