
Think you know how to use Facebook? Discover these unknown features that will blow your mind!

Photo: Unsplash/Timothy Hales Bennett

These are the Facebook features you wish you knew about earlier.

These Facebook features can make your social media management fairly easy.

No more following your friends without them knowing

We all have a few friends on Facebook whose posts are annoying, controversial, or both. You roll your eyes every time you see them. And you've definitely thought about cutting them off - just for your own peace of mind. But if these friends are also your friends in real life or even relatives, removing them on Facebook can even lead to conflict. Did you know you can simply unfollow them? This means that you will no longer see their feed posts, but you will still officially remain friends.

Steps: Visit your friend's profile. Click the gray "Friends" box with the person's icon under their name. Select "Do not follow" from the drop-down list.

Photo: Unsplash/Kenny Eliason

Prioritize your 'favorite' friends

Whether you have 100 Facebook friends or 1000, you definitely don't care about everything they post. Fortunately, you don't have to leave everything to the whims of an algorithm. With this feature, you will be notified every time the selected lucky winners post on Facebook. They'll also be listed as "Close Friends" so you can share things exclusively with them.

Steps: Navigate to your profile page by clicking on your profile picture in the top left corner of the home page column. Select "Friends" from one of the horizontal tabs just below your profile picture. Click the three dots to the right of any friend and select "Edit Friends List." Check the "Close Friends" box.

Photo: Unsplash/Brett Jordan

Choose what you see

While we're on the subject of popular friends, did you know you can influence what you see on the Facebook homepage? Although this feature is currently only available in the app, users can choose to only see updates from their friends, groups or pages they follow.

Steps: Click on your profile photo in the lower left corner of the app to open the menu. Select "Resources" in the boxes near the top of the page. Select "All", "Favorites", "Groups" or "Pages" from the horizontal scrolling menu at the top.

End autoplay

There's nothing worse than being caught off guard on Facebook at work, only to have the loud sound of a video wash over the office. Turning off autoplay on Facebook will only take you a few seconds.

Steps: Click on your profile picture in the upper right corner and go to "Settings & Privacy" and then "Settings". Select "Media" under "Settings" in the left column. Click the View button next to Video and Motion. Select the gray "Default" button to the right of "Autoplay Videos". Click the circle button to turn it off.

Photo: Unsplash/Dawid Sokolowski

Save content for later

Have you ever found an article you'd like to read but don't have the time? Or a recipe that would be perfect for dinner this week? You can save the post for later. You will see three dots in the upper right corner of every post. Click on these dots and select the first option “Save link/video/post”. You can save the post for "Later", "Favorites" or create a new folder, for example "Recipes". These posts can then be found under "Saved" in the left column of the screen.


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