
Even a strong friendship can fall apart because of this!

Photo: envato

Having a true friend is definitely one of the most beautiful and comforting things in life. However, friendships, like any other relationship, need to be worked on, worked towards, and avoid behaviors that could break it. But what is it that can destroy even such a strong friendship?

Most experts agree that it is key to a healthy relationship communication, whether it is a partner relationship, family relationships or friendship. It has to be open and sincere, because that's the only way we'll relate kept and additionally upgraded.

No matter how well we know each other, only you know exactly how at a given moment you are thinking and the same goes for our friends. That's why don't react too quickly and with accusations, if you feel that your friend has recently put you on the sidelines, often cancels your plans, or forgets to congratulate you on your birthday.

Life is many times stressful, unpredictable and full of problems, which we witnessed especially in the last two years. People sometimes forget things that mean a lot to them because they are overwhelmed with daily responsibilities, and not even because they don't care about you or because they hold a grudge against you.

Photo: envato
If you find sentences in your mind that start with: He must be mad at me…, He doesn't seem to love me anymore,.. He 100% resents me… , stop and take a breath. Yes, there's always the possibility that someone doesn't want to hang out with you anymore, but that's rare in good friendships. And even if there are indeed certain grievances between you, this does not mean that conversation they cannot solve.

Therefore, the best solution is to make a friend you ask, why he did or did not do something. You have nothing to lose, because that's the only way you'll know how things stand, and there's a good chance that the answer will reassure you. Pay attention, yes you are not accusing. Instead, form the sentences so that they express your feelings. For example – It hurt me when you… I have a feeling that something is wrong… I wish we could see each other more often…

Photo: envato
Remember that your friends can't read minds either, so maybe not at all they won't know, that something has bothered you if you don't tell them. Poor communication, full has already and accusations can lead to the breakup of even a good friendship. On the contrary, you can open, honest communication friendship solidify and you and your friend even more so connects and closer. Only with her will you have each other understood better also knew, how to act, so that they don't hurt each other.

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