
This corner of the home is a magnet for money - definitely put a plant there

Photo: envato

Have you ever wondered why some places seem like money magnets, while others constantly attract financial problems? Remove the furniture from this corner and place a plant there!

Which corner in your home works as money magnet? The secret lies in the Feng Shui concept of the money corner. How can you use this energy to improve your financial situation?

Money corner or money magnet

A money corner is not just a space in your home; it is a magnet for positive energy, which can affect your finances. However, despite its appeal, it is important to understand that it is a belief system and not a magical solution to all financial problems.

According to this ancient wisdom, the corner of wealth is the part of the room in the home that can focus your attention and energy on the quality of life. To do this, practitioners use a Feng Shui map called bagua, so that they can estimate the energy in a certain space.

Do you know where your financial corner is? Photo: Pexels / Pixabay /

The part of the house most associated with money is to the far left of the front door. When you find a corner, it is important to pay attention to the condition of the room. Is it full of stuff? Does it collect dust there? This speaks of your unwillingness to take care of your finances on a regular basis.

3 ways you can attract money

Place symbols of wealth

You can activate the corner of wealth in the home by adding symbols of progress and special Feng Shui elements. These can be personal symbols of what constitutes well-being for you, or you can use something more traditional such as gold objects, ornaments or coins. In addition to gold elements, crystals can also be a great accessory, and at the same time look luxurious when placed in the hall, office or corner of the living room. We also suggest amethyst because it is associated with a sense of abundance and peace.

Place a flower there. Photo: Ekaterina Bolovtsova / Pexels

Add objects that are made of wood or water

These items help bring good energy into the home. For example, if you take a jade plant, ie. money plant, you get energy from wood. In addition to the plants, you can even add a small fountain, just make sure that the water is clean, because dirty and stagnant water is against the rules of Feng Shui. If you're having trouble finding objects that contain water, it's best to opt for artwork with water imagery.

Fix the broken parts

Another key point for attracting money is cleanliness and order. According to Feng Shui, the kitchen, living room and bedroom should be tidy so that energy flows through your home. It is also important to get rid of unnecessary things, and replace damaged things with new ones in the money corner.

Feng Shui is a practice that appeals to energy and balance, so constant awareness and care of the money corner is critical to achieving lasting financial prosperity.

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