
This is what happens in your body when someone breaks your heart?

These are the signs of a broken heart

Photo: envato

"Having a broken heart is a good thing. It means you tried something". - Elizabeth Gilbert

The end of a partnership is often painful and stressful. Breakups leave scars and sometimes people have a hard time recovering from them, especially if they have suffered a betrayal of trust and/or physical abuse.

To help you understand people who are wounded, we present to you what happens in their bodies when they have a broken heart.

A change in hormones

Love makes us happy, and then our body is full of hormones, dopamine and oxytocin, which are called hormones of love and happiness. When our heart is broken, the levels of these hormones drop dramatically. Stress hormones, cortisol and epinephrine (adrenaline) are triggered. The release of these hormones contributes to feelings of anxiety and depression. Symptoms such as nausea and difficulty breathing may also occur.

Weakened immune systems

Stress hormones have a negative effect on the body's immune system, which means that we are then more prone to illnesses, such as colds and infections. Stress and heartbreak cause the body to produce fewer white blood cells, which are the body's soldiers and fight infection.

Weight gain

Changes in hormones and a decline in the immune system cause certain changes in our diet as well. The body begins to crave certain foods, most often fats, carbohydrates and sweet or salty treats. All this leads to weight gain.

An increased level of cortisol in the body is characterized by an increased accumulation of abdominal fat. Cortisol is said to increase cravings for certain foods, which actually stimulate the production of serotonin, which can neutralize stress.

Sexual dysfunction occurs

It's normal for a person to feel broken and have no desire for sex. But when we start to feel better after a painful experience, it can happen that a certain sexual dysfunction occurs. The body should become less sensitive to stimuli. In men, it can even lead to erectile dysfunction. Heart pain also worsens premenstrual syndromes.

Skin changes appear

An increase in stress hormone levels worsens the condition of the skin. Psoriasis, rosacea or acne may occur. An improvement in the condition of the skin is a sign that we are recovering from the breakup and that better and happier days are ahead.

The brain is not working properly

After a painful interruption, confusion appears in the head. It seems as if the brain is not working properly and we cannot think properly. So, for example, we put on the wrong shirt, put the phone in the fridge, forget about important meetings that we have been planning for weeks... When someone breaks our heart, the body reacts with a feeling of confusion, the brain is distracted and focused on the sadness we feel.

Depression sets in

Emotions are strong. We strongly feel sadness and loneliness. All of this can lead to depression, because feelings of abandonment and sadness lead to a breakdown in self-esteem and a sense that the world around us is falling apart.

If your heart is wounded, remember that it never gives up. Still, despite all the pain and wounds, he wants to love!

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