
This is a way to fall asleep more easily at night and have a restful sleep

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Do you often suffer from insomnia and cannot rest at night? Certain types of food contain vitamins, minerals and amino acids that prepare the brain for sleep.

After according to nutritionists, food should, which contains tryptophan, helped our body fall asleep more easily, as it is an amino acid that helps produce serotonin and melatonin.

when it gets dark the body should prepare itself for sleep, as melatonin is produced in it, which is our natural sleeper. But because we, as a modern society, are too exposed to blue light, it becomes more and more difficult for the body to produce it. That is why it is good to make sure that we help ourselves in production with food sleep hormone.

Nutritionists recommend this for dinner meats such as beef, lamb, turkey and chicken, different types of fish (salmon, cod, sardines, tuna), legumes (lentils, peas) and light vegetables (kale, spinach, cauliflower). It is also good to include various complex carbohydrates in the evening meal, such as rye bread and brown rice. Sunflower, flax and pumpkin seeds, which stimulate the action of melatonin, are desirable. From fruits, they recommend red fruits such as strawberries, cherries and sour cherries. In addition, bananas are said to help with the secretion of serotonin. Also, according to nutritionists, warm milk and cherry juice can help us sleep better.

To people who often have problems with sleep, a healthy diet will be of greatest help. In particular, you should avoid drinking energy drinks, beverages containing caffeine and alcoholic beverages. It should also be the last evening meal at least three or four hours before bed.

Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

Salad for easier sleep - Vegetable salad with tuna

To prepare the salad we need: canned tuna, a cup of cooked oats, red and green peppers, half a fresh cucumber, two to three tablespoons of low-fat yogurt, a little lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Preparation: Peel the pepper and cut it into small cubes. Drain the tuna from the oil. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Mix yogurt and lemon juice in a special bowl, season the salad with the mixture and mix well.

Photo: Karl Solano/ Pexels


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