
This is what his body language says about him: 4 signs he secretly likes you (and 3 that he doesn't)

Body language is often more powerful than words.

Just what is "happening" in his head? Rather, pay attention to what his body language says about him.

If he really likes you, his body language will confirm it

When his words don't express his feelings, his body certainly will. And here are some of the most obvious body language signs that he secretly likes you!

He smiles whenever he looks at you

It's one of those goofy smiles where neither he nor you know why he's in that smile mode all the time. His body language tells you that he can't help but feel energized and radiate positive vibes in your company.

He's improving his appearance

Why would he do that if he's not interested in you? She obviously wants to impress you with her looks, so she needs to fix her hair and dress.

His legs and arms are shaking

This can happen to anyone who truly loves the person they are dating. His legs and arms will obviously shake and you may think he is having a seizure. Don't worry, it doesn't. Nervousness is one of the signs that he really likes you.

It touches you subtly

Never underestimate the power of a gentle touch. He has a strong desire to be as close to you as possible, so even a subtle touch will give him the desired satisfaction.

If he really likes you, his body language will confirm it.

If he doesn't want you, his body language will tell you that

The first signs you will notice are the following: making up excuses, behaving strangely, sending mixed signals, waiting too long for him to text you... Even though you are fully aware of all these things, you start making excuses for him: "He's probably too busy and didn't have time to send me a message. He must have had a bad day and that's why he's behaving strangely." No man is ever too busy to send you at least one message. Everything else is just excuses.

You have a choice. You can either believe what he tells you and constantly make excuses for his behavior, or you can focus on what his body language says about him. Here are some body language signs that he is faking.

Avoids eye contact

He does this because he clearly doesn't care what you have to say. He's just pretending to listen to you while his mind wanders somewhere else, like hanging out with his friends later.

He has his arms crossed

If his arms are crossed when he's with you (assuming it's not cold), it means he's trying to create some sort of barrier between him and you because he doesn't feel comfortable in your company.

He scratches his scalp

If you see a man scratching his scalp during a conversation, it means that he is confused and doesn't like you, but he doesn't know how to tell you.

Body language is often more powerful than words.

Body language is your best friend because words are overrated

Men can say all they want, they can pretend, but they will never be able to hide the one thing that is not under their control - their body language. We live in a time when words are overrated. Protect yourself from the cruelty of unrequited love, players, narcissists and other types of men who are not worth your time, love and tears.

So when in doubt, check his body language for signs and you'll know exactly what's going on in his mind.

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