
This is an exercise that will help you get a seductive and well-shaped butt

A well-shaped butt has become the most important fitness goal of many girls in recent years. There are many butt shaping tips on the web, but many of them will not have the right effect. So that you don't lose your will to train in the flood of information, we reveal the best exercise that will lift your butt nicely and make it seductive.

Exercise name yourself hip abduction or hip abduction in a sitting position. This exercise can be performed in several ways: sitting, standing, on your back or sideways on your side. There are many variations, so it is good to judge for yourself which position suits you best.

The exercise focuses mostly on butt, therefore, it is good to perform the exercise correctly to avoid injuries. Other exercises like squats, deadlifts, lunges and kettlebell swings are very effective for the butt, but these exercises work more different muscles, which is of course great for both weight loss and muscle gain. It is recommended to compensate these exercises with exercise hip abduction, as your "pump" will be even bigger.

When you decide to implement hip offset on the device in fitness, it is important to be before that warm up on one of the cardio machines and then do a slight stretch in the lower part of the body, as this will make it easier and more correct to perform the hip abduction exercise.

Secondly, it is important to always be first adjust the weight on the device. If you are a beginner, do not exaggerate the kilos, because you can damage some other muscle. Don't worry about how many kilos you lift, because everyone in the gym works for themselves and not for others. There should be no weight not too light and not too heavy, that is, you choose weights with which you can perform the exercise in the correct way.

When you sit down, you must not have empty space between the back and the backrest on the device. So you straighten your back, and lower your shoulders and slightly bend them back.
The abdominal wall should always be tense, because that's where you get your strength. Keep your feet in the corner 90 to 140 degrees.

For greater effect, you can you spread your legs faster and a little more jerky, but you lower them back more slowly, as this will increase the tension in your muscles. Constantly check the position of the back and correct breathing.

If you are more flexible in the hips, you can also do this exercise in a way that you stand up a little more to the end of the seat, but you can lower your upper body slightly forward, with the aim of holding onto the front of the device you are sitting on.

We recommend ratio on this device for beginners 3-4 sets of 6-10 repetitions and for advanced 5-7 series of 10-20 repetitions. Include this in your fitness routine and you will notice a more lifted butt.

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