
Is this what Formula 1 will look like in the future?

Formula 1 of the future?

Formula 1 will change already next season, as in 2018 the so-called "halo" driver protection is being introduced. This change prompted the young and talented designer Antonio Paglio to think, and with the help of imagination and computer, he created the F1 racing cars of the future. These have a military aircraft style driver's cabin, which we can say looks a lot more impressive than the "halo" protection looks.

Hello” otherwise means a saint's glow or a ring around the planet. Thus, it is not difficult to draw a parallel from where the officials of the international automobile organization drew their inspiration for this name. This protection really works like a saintly protective glow around the drivers' helmets. But surely we are of the same opinion here, that they are racing cars Antonio Paglia looks much more attractive with the cockpit of a military jet. But even though they are racing cars from in 2025, each and every one of them pays homage to the rich and turbulent past of F1 competition. McLaren MP4/4 so he wears the number 12 worn by the legendary Ayrton Senna. Ferrari wears the number 18 he wore Lorenzo Bandini in 1967 at the Monaco Grand Prix and tragically died there. Whatever Williams concerns, it bears the number 5, which symbolizes the racing car FW18, with whom he is Damon Hill won the championship title in 1996 Formula 1.

It will be interesting to watch development Formula 1 by 2025, especially now that all the strings are being pulled in the responsible corporation Liberty Media. We can hope that there will still be room for the internal combustion engine in the F1 competition in the future. It would be even better if they became bigger than they once were. If you still remember, it was the period from the end of the 80s and the first half of the 90s, when F1 still reigned engines V12. They already appeared in 1996 aggregates V10, and soon after, the number of cylinders in them decreased further, in 2006 to 8 and in the year 2014 on today's 6. But leaving the engines aside, the racing cars as imagined by Antonio are absolutely fantastic. And if his ideas are at least a bit visionary, such a future of F1 can already happen we look forward to it. The video below proves that pilot cockpits or "halo" protection is already present.


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