
This is how fruits and vegetables were before we "domesticated" them

Fruits and vegetables then and now

Did you know that many fruits and vegetables in the past did not look like they do today? Before we "domesticated" them, some varieties looked completely different. Banana was once completely unrecognizable. Also eggplant and carrots. Would you recognize them in their wild form? Take a look at fruits and vegetables today and in the past.

Did you know it had many fruits and vegetables once upon a time a completely different look than in the 21st century? In recent years, it has mainly been on the wallpaper genetically modified food, which raises a lot of dust, saying that mankind is interfering with the work of nature, but the fact is that we have been doing this for millennia through cross-breeding and domestication.

READ MORE: Unusually shaped fruits and vegetables that mimic the shapes of animals and people

Admittedly, the changes are not as "God's" as in genetic engineering, where genes are inserted into plants that enable resistance to certain pests, insensitivity to selected sprays etc., but many fruits and vegetables went through drastic stylistic transformation. We present to you fruits and vegetables that were completely different before man decided to start using them for food and they become culture.

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