
This is how movies look without special effects

Special effects in movies.

Special effects and the green screen are the smartphones of Hollywood. Many directors simply cannot do without them. At the beginning of the year, many directors complained about the excessive use of special effects, so a number of prominent Hollywood directors of photography called on the Academy to introduce a new Oscar category that would distinguish between films that were shot using traditional methods and those that use digital effects. Special effects have become so sophisticated that we no longer even realize that much of the movies are actually the work of a computer and that practically nothing is real except for the actors. We've rounded up a number of movies that rely heavily on digital effects. Check out how these movies look without special effects.

Special effects, but what would many films do without them? Are you curious about how popular movies look without added digital effects? You think they are limited only to fiction? Gravity, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Villain, X-Men: Days of Future Past, Elysium, 300: Rise of an Empire, Life of Pi, Godzilla and Guardians of the Galaxy. These films would not exist without special effects or would be quite a lot less spectacular. The actors in these films acted out most of the scenes in front of a green background/screen, which was replaced on the big screen by epic scenes that are truer than reality.

READ MORE: Movie scenes you didn't know were shot without special effects

A glimpse from the filming of the movie 300.
A scene from the filming of the movie 300.

Village the ubiquity of digital effects and manipulative tools in the seventh art you don't mind or prefer directors to lean on traditional approach and shoot more authentic scenes? Perhaps the gallery below will help you decide. You'd be surprised how often creators use them. While it makes sense that it's a TV series Living Dead full of special effects, it is a little less logical that there are tons of them in Talents in white.

This is how popular movies look without special effects:

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