
Thus, the relationship is ended by individual astrological signs: words that mean the end of your relationship

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It wasn't our time. It wasn't meant for us. They are words that you often hear from people who are leaving your life.

It's never easy when your paths together end. Regardless of what words you direct at another person, the words almost always - hurt them. Some people deal with it better than others.

Let's see what words you can expect from each astrological sign when breaking up a relationship.


"It wasn't the right time." Aries believe that they still have a lot to experience, see and do. If they are leaving you, it is probably partly to blame that they are interested in something else. But regardless, they will blame the time instead of admitting that they are bored.


"I don't see a common future." Bulls know what they want. They usually fall in love quickly, then take their time getting to know the person. And if they realize that they don't see a future with you, they don't see the point of continuing, and they will tell you so.


"I just don't feel the sparks anymore." They may not want to admit it, but Geminis only love the beginnings of relationships. Excitement, flirtation, unpredictability - they depend on it. Once the initial excitement subsides, the sparks tend to disappear as well. While others' relationships eventually turn into something more relaxed, Gemini will see this as a reason to leave and start over with someone else.



"I'm not over my ex." This may or may not be true. Cancers tend to get attached to things and people – including past relationships. Even if they don't have feelings for their ex, they still compare their current relationship to their previous one, and if the comparison isn't better, they'll decide it's time to break up.


"I don't want us to hold each other back." Translation - they don't want to be held back. Leos are generous and deeply loving, but tend to seek out partners with potential. They want someone as creative and ambitious as they are, even if they are interested in different things. If the lion suspects that you might be holding them back in any way, they leave.

A virgin

"I have to work on myself." In fact, they are constantly working on themselves. They will always try to improve any aspect of life that they feel is not good. But if they feel they have to end the relationship, they don't want to give a real reason, but instead will focus on themselves and try to end things peacefully.



"It's not your fault, it's mine." Libras don't want to be the ones to end a relationship, and because of this, it takes a long time for them to decide to break up. Regardless of the reason for the breakup, they rarely ever point to the other person. They prefer to take the blame themselves in the hope that it will ease their partner's pain.


"You deserve someone better." Scorpios give their all to relationships, but often struggle with trust issues. Even if they have a good reason to end things with someone because of that person's bad behavior, they still believe that the problem lies with them. They know how to move away so that the affected person can find someone else, "better" for them, as soon as possible.


"We want different things." Translation - you want a relationship, I don't. Sagittarius wants a month-long vacation in Europe. Alone. While they are initially excited about the idea of a relationship, they can quickly change their minds and want something else. So they will make excuses when they want to end things instead of trying to find a solution.



“I have too much of everything.” Capricorns tend to be quite busy, but they make time for relationships that are important to them. Sometimes they struggle to balance it all, and in this case the excuse is sincere. But if they haven't made a real effort to try to fit the relationship around their schedule, this is probably a way out so they can get back to business without delay.


"I'm just not ready for something serious." Aquarians want freedom and want to protect it fiercely. They don't want to get involved in a relationship that demands a lot from them. Something casual is usually easier because no one can make demands. If they feel that the relationship is getting too serious, they will end the situation.


"I love you, but I'm not in love with you." Pisces have many feelings at any given moment. Although one day they will be totally in love, the next day they will feel insecure. They may believe they love you because they have feelings for you, but they worry that they aren't as in love as they could be. In this way, they want to leave the door closed for the future, should they realize that they have made a mistake.

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