
This is how they kissed in the 40's - a vintage handbook on proper kissing

How to kiss properly?

Apparently people were so desperate for kissing in the 1940s that the American illustrated magazine LIFE decided to show people once and for all how the thing is served properly. On this occasion, it issued a special manual on how to correctly or kiss well. It is true that it was published way back in 1942, but many people will find it useful even today. Especially if you're preparing for your first kiss.

First kiss is memorable for at least two reasons. Because he is the first and because he is usually desperate. Kissing it's important, that's why it's an American magazine LIFE printed in the forties the kissing handbook, in order for people to learn how to he kisses them properly.

READ MORE: How to kiss well? Science has the answers!

It was primarily a manual intended for players, and romantic photos show, how to kiss wrong and how to kiss correctly. Are you good at kissing? If not, the instructions below will still come in handy.

40's Guide to Proper Kissing Tips:

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