
This is what things we use every day look like under a microscope

This is what things we use every day look like under a microscope.

The invention of the microscope is of inconceivable importance to the human species. It gave us a glimpse of the old that we could never see with the naked eye. Not to mention his contribution to science. If we play a little with this device, we get answers to questions about how the things we use every day look from a completely different angle. Greatly increased!

You must have been thinking, how insects see people? How certain things are which we see with the naked eye, seen from some other perspective?

Because we cannot see many things with our own eyes, we use helped, as microscope. And then crazy shapes are created! Looking at photos in the image gallery, you probably won't immediately know what these objects represent under the microscope. Play and guess, before you find the answer!

Image gallery - Everyday things under the microscope

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