
This is how you make the person you like fall very, very much in love with you

This is how you make the person you like fall very, very much in love with you

By following the tips below, you may improve your chances of getting the person you like to fall very, very much in love with you.

Since falling in love is psychologically just a set of emotions that can be influenced to a certain extent, the question is whether you can make someone to fall in love with you, at the site of. Love can be one way or another - strong or weak, imagined or real, long-lasting or fleeting. But according to research, we have a certain amount of influence on some forms of falling in love, namely there is behavior that improves your chances, that your crush will fall in love with you. However, do not forget that these are zconclusion of research in unnatural situations, which are sometimes not true in real life.

Avoid ice cream on the first date.

Social psychologist John Bargh is in this study found that body temperature is related to an individual's psychological state. When we are warm, we behave more friendly and tolerant. Of course, this doesn't mean that you literally shouldn't eat ice cream on a first date, but simply to make sure that your date is pleasantly warm.

The right balance between connection and independence is the key to a good relationship.
The right balance between connection and independence is the key to a good relationship.

Eye contact is very important.

Harvard psychologist Zick Rubin is in this study discovered a link between the length of eye contact and the feeling of being in love. Such correlational studies do not say anything about the cause. Do we look into each other's eyes because we're in love, or are we in love because we look into each other's eyes?


According to the this study the vast majority of individuals prefer their crush to be honest and open—even if that means a moment of awkward silence or a bit of beginner's awkwardness. Many people also like it if we share an unpleasant secret with them.

Pupil size has its own power.

This study found that people are more attractive to us when their pupils are slightly enlarged. We cannot influence it directly, but we can influence the environment. For example, the pupils enlarge in a dimly lit room.

Couples in love look into each other's eyes more often.
Couples in love look into each other's eyes more often.

Don't be available all the time.

Building intimacy and spending time together is important to any romantic relationship—no matter what stage it's at. However, it is recommended that you spend some time apart as well. This way, you will have time to start missing each other, think about how important you really are, and better understand your own emotional state.

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