Kirby Jenner is the latest phenomenon on Instagram, who has gained many followers and growing attention with fantastically manipulated photos, with which he "proves" on his Instagram profile that he is the secret twin of supermodel Kendall Jenner.
Kirby Jenner is an amateur photo model and the twin of celebrity Kendall Jenner. At least that's what he claims Instagram profile, which is filled more and more every day with artfully edited photos that Kirby finds on Kendall's Instagram and then masterfully manipulates them to the point that the "twins" seem inseparable.
Kirby accompanies Kendall on vacations, campaigns, billboards, and even selfies. If he was Kendall Jenner's secret twin previously an unknown person, now it is no longer the case, because thanks to funny photos, he has more followers and fans every day, and the number has already exceeded one hundred thousand. Well done Kirby! Finally, you are no longer in the shadow of your incredibly successful sisters... 😉
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