
This is the nonsense we text our loved ones! Not at all!

Have you ever received a message that you thought was slightly inappropriate? Then it was one of those stupid things that you must never do yourself.

Do you find yourself wondering if your message is appropriate? You went too far with him! We looked for some typical ones that we all do. And in communication, where the interlocutor cannot be seen, they can have a negative impact on whether they are misunderstood.

You simply must not send such messages!

Messages with the text "as you wish"

It is quite clear that there is nothing wrong with a text like "as you wish", but in digital communication such a message takes on a negative connotation. If your partner writes this to you, you feel as if something is wrong, he is in a bad mood and is a bitch. And you have to admit, you too have probably written a message with such content... because they were your emotions are really negative.

ADVICE: If your partner writes this to you, calm down because you know it's probably a moment of weakness. If you are thinking of writing the same message, wait until you meet and they say calmly whatever is on your mind.

Do not send intimate photos.
Do not send intimate photos.

Messages with a period

On paper, every sentence ends with a period - these are the rules of language. However! In digital communication, they have punctuation marks completely different meaning. Corresponding with a loved one is not the same as writing an essay, article, or official document. Scientists have found that texts with periods are perceived by people as insincere. This is because social media users have created a different language that does not include grammar rules. How many of your friends even write grammatically correct messages?

During a digital conversation, it is difficult for people to express their emotions, there is no eye contact, tone of voice, pauses..., so people have to rely to what is accessible to them, viz emoticons, sentence structure, punctuation marks, which imitate the sounds of speech. And so quickly there is a misunderstanding!

Don't argue over text.

All the problems you have will be solved best solved in real life. You need to see the person's face, body movement, sound of voice, mood... because this is the only way you will avoid misunderstanding the positions.

ADVICE: If you've already gotten into a digital argument, it's best to tell your partner that you'll continue the conversation when you meet.

Do not send intimate photos.
Do not send intimate photos.

Do not send intimate photos.

The term appeared in New Zealand in 2005 sexting, which represents the exchange of photos or messages of an intimate nature. Each person has the right to choose how to correspond with their partner, but it would be good for them to be aware of the consequences.

ADVICE: If you are afraid that someone will see your photo of an intimate nature, we advise you not to send such messages. Consider: now they are together, tomorrow they may not be. Where will your photos end up??

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