
This is Portopiccolo – hedonism in Italian

View of Portopiccolo

The next time you wonder where to escape from the unbearable continental summer heat, let this write-up help you discover the closest to Ljubljana and one of the most hedonistic resorts on the Adriatic, to which you only need a good hour from the center of Ljubljana. It is even less kilometers away than Portorož.

"Little Monaco" or Portopiccolo is waiting for you in the bay area Sesljan (Sistiana), where until recently it was a disreputable quarry and has recently been turned into a luxury resort of a special type, as it is designed as a true small Mediterranean town, built into the walls of a quarry. It's at the resort 460 private luxury residential units – apartments and private villas, large med 50 and 400 square meters. You can rent these via Booking or of AirBnB, as this Friday "private" offer is also presented there.

On the Riviera Portopiccola you will find luxury the five-star hotel Falis, part of which is also unique SPA and a beauty health center. The bay is also rich in luxury marina with 121 berths, which within Yacht Club offers daily charter of various vessels for all tastes.

Yacht Club - Portopiccolo
Yacht Club - Portopiccolo

Of course, that's not all it has to offer Portopiccolo! A small town with plenty of bars and restaurants, you will also find a selection of small boutiques luxury brands thus allowing you a unique experience of pampering yourself with all things beautiful.

The beach, which it offers Portopiccolo, is pebbled and well-kept, as it is part of the Beach Club and thus intended only for hotel visitors and apartment owners. Of course Beach Club day guests can also visit, but we suggest you choose one of the two public beaches, Caravello or Castelreggio, which are free and just as beautiful as the beach offered by the Friday Beach Club.

Here, the price of renting two sunbeds is extremely high. The water in the bay of Sistiana (Sesljan) is clean and famous for the fact that you can meet seahorses in it. Also due to the very special microclimate, which was already known in Roman times, this area was already famous for tourism and during of Austria-Hungary became the goal of many Pentecostals. In the north of the bay Sistiana (Sesljan) opens up an extraordinary view of Devino Castle and the place Devin (Duino), which invites you to various evening events with its pleasant atmosphere. In the south, you are only a stone's throw away from the fairy-tale little town Miramar (Castello di Miramare) and its magical and pleasantly cool castle parks on summer days. We believe you will when you visit Portopiccola also jumped into the metropolitan Trieste, which is only a few minutes' drive away, and there in one of the bars in the company of the famous Italians ended the day with aperolspritzem. At the same time, you whispered to yourself how good it is to enjoy "dolce far niente” just like he says hedonists.

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