
This is the definition of your soul mate based on your month of birth

A soul mate is that person in our life with whom we feel at home and can express ourselves in perfection

What is your soul mate according to your birth month?


Someone who can keep up with you and is on your level.

You are hardworking, ambitious and very passionate about achieving your goals and following your dreams. So you need a life partner who feels the same way. Not just someone who believes in you completely and supports you one hundred percent, but someone who has his own independent goals and aspirations. In this way, you feel like you are two independent beings with their own unique lives, going through life as teammates and partners.


Someone who likes that every day with you will be different.

You are a free spirit with ever-changing passions. Finding joy is the most important thing in the world to you, which usually means you're constantly looking for new adventures. You need a soul mate who goes through life with you knowing it will be unpredictable and loves you all the more for it.


Someone who cares about you as much as you care about them.

You are a very compassionate, selfless and forgiving person. However, this sometimes means that you attract people who are only interested in what you can do for them or how you can take care of them. So you need a soul mate who doesn't look at you as someone you can take for granted. Someone who will be completely in love with your kindness and empathy, but will never see these qualities as something they can take advantage of. But he will only think of ways he can take care of you.


Someone who wants you to be nobody but you.

You have a very strong, unique and charming personality and many people can be intimidated by this. So you need a soulmate who wants to stand by your side and support you in any way they can without ever asking you to change for them. They're comfortable with who they are, and they're comfortable with who you are—all they care about at the end of the day is feeling connected to you.


Someone who never makes you feel like you're being held back.

Of all the birth months, you are by far the most focused. You know what you want and like to spend your days enjoying the process of figuring out how to achieve your dreams. So you need a soulmate who never asks you to slow down for them. They are just as passionate and motivated as you are, always trying to enjoy the present while planning for the future. Your soulmate should be a combination of someone who never asks you to hold back on your dreams or to stop chasing them. But someone who can also remind you to live in the moment and to enjoy every second.


Someone you feel like you can have a real conversation with.

June is the most sensitive of all birth months, so your soulmate needs to be someone who makes you feel safe, loved, and completely accepted for who you are. You have no problem making friends, but you have trouble getting over the pain of being hurt. Your soulmate is someone who is careful with their heart and does everything in their power to make you feel safe and at home with them.


Someone who is bold about love.

You are probably the most sparkling personality of all the birth months. You make friends easily and never have a problem connecting with people. You have problems with not being able to open up to your partner. Therefore, your soul mate must be someone who is not afraid to be direct and open about their feelings and who gives you a sense of security and thus allows you to open up to them more easily.


Someone who supports you and stands up for you at the same time.

You have the definition of a leader personality. You are fearless, focused and comfortable being the center of attention. However, since you have always been in command, this also seeps into your partner relationship. So the definition of your soulmate is someone who supports your ambitions and dreams, but also warns you when you're being too bossy or stubborn, as well as when you're trying to control a relationship or think only of yourself.


Someone who charms you and respects you.

Although you are a kind and warm person, you can suddenly become very critical and judgmental. Your soul mate should be someone who is very confident and happy with who they are. Someone who can call you out when you criticize them (or someone else) for no reason. The definition of a soul mate is someone you are endlessly fascinated by.


Someone who encourages you to be who you are and tells you not to worry about what others think.

You have always been able to make friends quickly and easily and show affection and warmth to everyone around you. You tend to worry a lot about the opinions of others and constantly worry about what others think. The definition of your soul mate is someone who loves you for who you are and never feels insecure about how easily people gravitate towards you. You need them to help you love yourself for who you are instead of always trying to be the person you think you should be.


Someone who brings balance to your life.

You like to use your creativity and look for ways to improve yourself effectively. The problem is that you don't know how to turn off your ambitions from time to time or distribute things as needed. The definition of your soulmate is someone who can show you that you can have it both ways – you can be focused on your ambitions and your future, while also reminding yourself to stop, live in the moment, reflect and take care of yourself.


Someone who reflects the same level of honesty and trustworthiness as you.

It is about loyalty, reliability and authenticity. So you deserve a soul mate who is the same. Someone who likes to be playful and likes to joke around with you, but is also wholeheartedly into it and not afraid to dive into it all.

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